students practicing yoga in studio

Fitness, Wellness, and Recreation Department

"We see the world not as it is, but as we are."
H.M. Tomlinson

Westminster University believes your overall well-being—physical, psychological, social, emotional, and spiritual—determines your perspective on life. When students prioritize physical wellness, they experience benefits across their education* because students who participate in campus recreation are more likely to:

  • Have higher GPAs
  • Meet a diverse campus community
  • Finish their degree
  • Develop a sense of belonging
  • Have better physical health by sleeping better, feeling better, and functioning better
    Experience an increase in their mental well-being and mindfulness

Fitness, Wellness, and Recreation at Westminster is committed to providing experiential opportunities for students and the campus community to participate in regular physical activity, discover our unique ecological playground, and pursue an enhanced quality of life.

(*Source: NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation)


Outdoor Program

Westminster's Outdoor Program curates outdoor activities for students to develop leadership, technical skills, self-awareness, character, and stewardship. From an evening hike to a weekend in the backcountry, the Outdoor Program offers adventure for everyone.

Sports and Recreation Camps

The Fitness, Wellness, and Recreation Department offers several youth camps throughout the year. Kids ages 6–14 are welcomed onto Westminster's campus to experience and learn about sports, nature, wellness, and recreational activities.