Madi Jones

Circulation Manager

Phone: 801.832.2270


Office Location: Giovale Library 103


B.A. Westminster University


Madi is a Westminster Alum ('17) who worked at the library as a student employee and never left. She has been a full-time Giovale employee for 5 years and is currently the Circulation Manager. Her primary role in this position is supervising student employees, which has fostered a passion for student growth and success. Outside of interacting with students, Madi's favorite part of her job is building and diversifying the library collection to best support our community. She also enjoys collaborating with faculty and staff outside of her department and hopes that staff council will introduce more opportunities to do so. Outside of work she can occasionally be found up Millcreek Canyon with her pack of dogs, but its more likely she's on the couch reading a fantasy novel or playing video games.