female student sorting books at the library

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Giovale Library

female student working on laptop in library


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group of students chat in library

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two female students working on laptops in library

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female student reading a book in the library in big comfy chair

Citation Resources

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library room filled with windows and chairs

Study Rooms

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male faculty member sitting at desk explaining something to a student

Library Resources for Faculty

Library services, research tools, and material requests for faculty

Helpful Links

Library Hours

Chat with a Librarian

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Library Excellence in Access and Diversity Award (LEAD) Logo


Meet the Staff

Library Policies

The Giovale Library expects all patrons to conduct themselves as responsible members of the community at large and to respect the rights of students, faculty, staff, and community users1. The library expects all patrons to demonstrate respect for all members of the library community.

All library patrons are expected to abide by applicable federal, state and local laws. Individuals in violation of any laws while in the library are subject to prosecution by appropriate authorities.

Community members are welcome to use the Giovale Library, but Westminster University-affiliated users have priority over all library services and facilities. Library staff may ask library patrons for a current Westminster University ID to determine their affiliation with the university. The library may also require community users who are not actively using library resources to leave the building.

The Giovale Library prohibits activities that may disrupt the library’s operations, damage the library collection or building, or pose danger to the library community. The library expects all members to abide by all Westminster University Policies and Procedures as well as the policies stated in the Student Code of Conduct. Patrons are expected to follow requests from library staff. All alleged violations will be reported to Campus Patrol or the appropriate department.

1Community User: A person using the library resources or services who is not affiliated with the Westminster community.

Food and Drink

Food and drinks are allowed in the library; however, we ask that you please be considerate of those around you. All library patrons are expected to abide by the “Leave No Trace” philosophy and dispose of trash, leftovers, and recyclables appropriately. Please report accidental spills to the circulation desk as soon as possible.

Study Rooms

The Giovale Library study rooms are available for the use of the Westminster University community. Study room bookings can be made via the online room scheduler or at the Circulation Desk. Reservations can be made up to 2 weeks in advance. Users may book up to 10 hours per week. Study rooms should be scheduled only within the library's operational hours. Bookings that violate these criteria will be deleted. Students with a reservation have priority. Classes cannot use study rooms on a regular basis or in lieu of classrooms. Community users cannot make reservations; however, they may utilize the study rooms when they are not in use or reserved.


The iLab’s primary purpose is for information literacy instruction. It can be reserved by Westminster faculty or staff for a single class session, workshops, or meetings; however, it cannot be reserved for a whole semester. To check availability and to schedule it for your use, contact a librarian. Please note, information literacy sessions have priority use of the room. Food and beverages are allowed in the iLab provided that any waste or mess is cleaned up. If you move the tables, please return them to their original configuration. The iLab can seat 24 people and has an ADA accessible table for both students and instructors.

Library Space Use

The Giovale Library space can be used to promote publications of Westminster University authors or for events that promote the library profession. The library space can be used for university departmental use and events that promote the university mission. Any use of library space outside these parameters must be approved by the library director.

1Community User: A person using the library resources or services who is not affiliated with the Westminster community.

Noise Expectations 

The Giovale Library provides access to quiet study spaces, group study spaces, study rooms, and public services areas. The upper floor is designated for quiet study only. Occasionally, quiet study may be interrupted by campus programming or board room events. The main and lower floors are designated for group and collaborative work. The circulation desk, Information Services help desk, iLab, iLab 3D Printer, student printers, and copier/scanner are on the main floor, making it an active and busy area that will be noisier.

Library patrons are asked to be considerate of others in the library.

Noise Standards

  • Quite Study: Upper floor
  • Group/Collaborative Study:
    • Main floor
    • Lower floor
    • Study rooms

Circulation of Library Materials

Circulation privileges are extended to Westminster students, faculty, staff, and alums, as well as the faculty and students of Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC) member institutions.

Community users1 may request limited borrowing privileges by providing a current state ID and official mail to receive a library card. Community users accounts expire 1 year from the date of issue.

All borrowers must have a current Westminster ID, or a current state ID, or passport present at the time of check out to borrow materials. All materials must be checked out at the circulation desk.

Loan Periods and Circulation Information

Checkout Privileges by Borrower Type
Item Type Students Faculty, Staff, Emeritus Community Users1 UALC Alumni
Main Collection 28 days 90 days 28 days 28 days 28 days
New books 28 days 28 days  28 days 28 days 28 days
Popular reading 28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days 28 days
Reference books No No No No No
Journals No No No No No
DVDs 5 days 5 days No 5 days 5 days
Curriculum Semester Semester 28 days Semester Semester
Reserve Specified on item Specified on item No  No


AV equipment 4 days 4 days No No No
Video cameras 4 days 4 days No No No
Archives No No No No No
Maximum Numbers of Items Out
Item Type Students Faculty, Staff, Emeritus Community Users1 UALC Alumni
Main, New, Popular Curriculum Unlimited Unlimited 4 20 20
DVDs 4 4 0 4 4
AV equipment 3 3 0 0 0
Video Cameras 1 1 0 0 0

Note: Community users1 are limited to 4 total checkouts across all item types. 

Reserve Materials

Materials on course reserve may be checked out for designated hours and allowed to be taken out of the library as specified by faculty. Restrictions and circulation permissions are marked on each reserve material. After a reserve item is overdue for 3 days, borrowing privileges will be suspended until the item is returned.

Non-Circulating Materials

Archival materials, periodicals, newspapers, reference and index materials, volumes of sets, and non- print items such as microfiche do not circulate and must be used inside the library.


Library materials are due on the date printed on the receipt provided upon checkout at the circulation desk. Courtesy overdue notices are emailed before an item is due, but failure to receive courtesy overdue notices in no way relieves the borrower’s obligation to return the item by the date it is due. Responsibility is assigned to the borrower whose name appears on the ID card used for checkout.

Overdue items do not accrue fines; however, when an item is 20 days overdue it is marked as lost and a replacement fee is billed to the patron account. If the item is returned or replaced by the patron, the replacement cost will be dropped. For items with a value of $150.00 or more, the replacement cost will be altered based on its current market value.

Lost item bills will result in a suspension of library borrowing privileges and a registration/transcript block for past and present Westminster students. A replacement must be provided, or lost item bill paid in full to restore borrowing privileges and remove blocks.

Non-university borrowers (community users1, alumni, and UALC borrowers) who have items marked as lost on their accounts will be unable to check out library materials until all records are cleared.

Items which borrowers report having returned will be searched for promptly and thoroughly. If the items are not found, the borrower will be charged for the cost of replacement.

It is preferred that a patron find a replacement for the item rather than paying the replacement fee. Replacement items may be pre-owned copies but must be in fair, usable condition.

Payments are accepted in the form of cash or credit card at the circulation desk.

Holds and Recalls

All materials are subject to recall. Borrowers are assured a minimum 14 day check out privilege. Beyond this period recalled items must be returned within 4 days from the date of recall or the item will be billed to the account. Recall notices based on these calculations will be emailed to the borrower.


Items may be renewed once either online, in person at the circulation desk, or by calling 801.832.2250. It is the responsibility of the borrower to be aware of due dates. Renewal requests must be received before the item is assumed lost and billed for replacement.

Utah Academic Library Consortium Privileges

Students can show their Westminster photo ID and provide proof of current enrollment to checkout materials at other Utah academic libraries. Please contact the participating library for their specific circulation policies and procedures governing UALC patron privileges.

Current students, staff, and faculty from other Utah academic libraries are permitted borrowing privileges by setting up a UALC borrowing account and issued a library card. A current student/staff/faculty ID and proof of current enrollment/employment are required to receive a library card. UALC accounts expire 1 year from the date of issue.

Other Circulation Services

Lost-and-found items are held at the circulation desk until Friday when they are turned over to the concierge desk lost-and-found in Shaw.

Student laptops and chargers are available for checkout for currently enrolled Westminster students at the Information Services help desk.

Community users may use library computers by signing the guest list and providing a valid picture ID to be held at the circulation desk during computer use. Community users1 are charged for printing at a rate of 5¢ per page, to be paid at the circulation desk, cash only.

The library has a copier/scanner located on the main floor. Copies are 10¢ each and scanning documents is free. For large and/or odd sized copy jobs, color posters, laminating, and binding, please contact AlphaGraphics.

1Community User: A person using the library resources or services who is not affiliated with the Westminster community.

Interlibrary Loan is a service that provides the Westminster University community access to materials that are not available in the Giovale Library. Conditions of the service are based on the National Interlibrary Loan Code 1993; the Copyright Law, Title 17, US Code; and on regulations of the individual lending libraries.

Copyright Law

The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United State Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would violate copyright law.

Permitted Users

Interlibrary Loan services are available to all current Westminster students, faculty, and staff. Patrons not currently enrolled or employed at Westminster University, such as alumni or community users1, cannot use Interlibrary Loan.

Borrowing and Lending Guidelines

Westminster patrons can request books and journal articles not already held in our collection unless it is unavailable for use. We are currently unable to borrow e-books. Lending restrictions concerning dissertation and theses vary, therefore we cannot guarantee that requests for these items can be filled.

Reference materials, reserve materials, archival materials, bulky or fragile materials, rare books, electronic books, and full issues of journals held in the Giovale Library collection are not available for loan to other libraries. The Giovale Library will loan any Westminster Master Thesis requested by another institution.

Request Process

Patrons must request a loan through their ILLiad account. Incomplete or incorrect requests may be returned to the requestor for additional information.

The time it takes obtain an Interlibrary Loan item depends upon a variety of factors. On average, electronic items take between 1–4 business days and physical items can take 1–2 weeks to receive.

Patrons will be notified via email when requested materials arrive. Items will be available for pick up for 2 weeks at the circulation desk before being returned. Articles are sent electronically unless a patron is notified otherwise and retrieved in the patron’s ILLiad account under “Electronically Received Articles”.

Checkout Period and Renewals

Articles are accessible for 30 days from the date of receipt in a patron’s ILLiad account. The loan period for physical items is at the discretion of the lending library. The due date is indicated on the band or sticker attached to the item.

Renewals for borrowed materials are not guaranteed by Giovale Library and are approved at the discretion of the lending library. Renewal requests can be submitted through an ILLiad account.

Interlibrary Loan Charges and Violations

Westminster University does not charge patrons for interlibrary loan services; however, patrons are responsible for any charges or replacement costs that result from the loss or damage of borrowed Interlibrary Loan materials. The amount billed is determined by the lending library according to their policies regarding lost, damaged, and overdue materials. Bills for lost and damaged Interlibrary Loan books will result in a transcript and registration block placed on the patron and the restriction of Interlibrary Loan privileges until paid in full.

Library users who do not return Interlibrary Loan materials, are continuously late in returning materials or do not pickup materials, damage materials, or have unpaid Interlibrary Loan bills will be denied further Interlibrary Loan privileges.

1Community User: A person using the library resources or services who is not affiliated with the Westminster community.

Collection Development Priorities

In striving to fulfill the library mission and effectively serve its varied community, the following priorities will direct overall collection development:

  1. Select materials that support existing university programs and curricula. The expansion and refinement of weak subject collections will be emphasized.
  2. Select materials supporting the research of faculty, especially as these materials pertain to teaching; and materials that will assist university staff.
  3. Select materials that advance the Westminster University Diversity Statement and ensure a diverse and inclusive collection.
  4. Select general works of universal importance to support and enhance the liberal arts and professional education.
  5. Select materials in anticipation of future curriculum needs and in meeting the recreational needs of patrons.

Collection Development Selection and Deselection

Materials selected for addition to the library’s collections will support the academic mission of the university. Each librarian will build a balanced collection in their liaison disciplines in partnership with departmental faculty and within budgetary limits. Librarians will select materials based on faculty, staff, and student recommendations, along with multiple selection tools such as publisher catalogs, professional reviews, patron driven acquisitions, and interlibrary loan driven acquisitions. The library staff is ultimately responsible for the library’s collection development and for making final decisions on material acquisitions.

Library staff will evaluate the library’s collections to identify materials for deselection on a rotating 8- year schedule, during which a third of the collection will be evaluated and completed on a yearly basis every 5 years. Materials that are outdated, damaged, superseded, and/or seldom circulated will be withdrawn. The library staff is responsible for making final decisions on withdrawing materials.

Specific Collections and Formats

Main Collection

The main collection houses the bulk of the library’s physical collection. Most print items selected and purchased for addition will be added to the main collection unless it is selected as an authoritative or reference source; these items will be added to the Reference Collection.

Serials Collection

The serials collection houses library materials that are published serially or periodically on an ongoing basis under a single title. This includes journals, magazines, and newspapers in print and electronic formats. The preferred serials format is electronic unless it is unavailable or cost prohibitive.

Academic Film Collection

The academic film collection is developed on a selective rather than a comprehensive level and consists of films with academic value and/or authority. Additions to the collection will be in DVD format only, as support is no longer offered for VHS or any other physical format.

Popular Film Collection

The popular film collection is developed primarily for recreational use. The goal is to create a well-rounded collection of quality items which will experience a high level of use. Additions to the collection will be in DVD format only, as support is no longer offered for VHS or any other physical format.

Curriculum Collection

The curriculum collection consists of materials used by our student teachers and patrons interested in teaching methodology. Materials added to this collection are sent directly from publishers while they are under consideration for state adoption. The School of Education faculty and library staff review these materials and select items to be added and what items should be withdrawn. Instructors may contact the education liaison librarian for curriculum material requests.

Reserve Collection

The reserve collection consists of materials owned by the library and personal copies of instructors. Items are placed on reserve at the request of an instructor by submitting a Course Reserves Form. The library may add textbooks as a permanent reserve item if they meet select criteria. Instructors may contact the library to place items on reserve.

Career Center Collection

The Career Center collection consists of materials used by the Career Center and patrons seeking career and graduate school information. The Career Center staff selects and withdraws materials from this collection with the assistance of the library staff. Patrons may contact the Career Center for career resource material requests.

Giovale Library Archives

The archives consist of materials pertaining to the history of Westminster University and the history of the Presbyterian Church in Utah. The Giovale Library Archives will only collect materials pertaining to the history and affairs of Westminster University. Any exceptions must be approved by the library director and the head of collections and access.

Article Databases

The library has access to numerous interdisciplinary and subject specific article databases. The library will consider adding an article database if a void is found to exist in the current collection. For an article database to be considered, it must: meet the research needs of patrons, support the university’s curriculum, offer IP address authentication, to a large extent be unique, and be available from a reputable vendor at an affordable and sustainable cost.

Electronic Books

Generally, eBooks will be added as a subscription collection, but we will consider the purchase of individual titles if they are not part of an existing collection and they meet our selection criteria. If an eBook is already accessible via our collection, we will not duplicate it in print unless it is removed from the collection or there is a prevailing reason to do so. Any exceptions must be approved by the library director and the head of collections and access.

Streaming Films

Streaming films will be added as a subscription or patron driven acquisition collection and not as individual titles. During times of mediated access from current streaming subscriptions, films will be licensed for 1 or 3 years if the request meets select criteria. For streaming films not available via current streaming subscriptions, the library will consider purchasing it for the library collection when an educational streaming license is available from a reputable vendor at an affordable cost. When an educational streaming license is unavailable from a reputable vendor or cost prohibitive, the library will examine other formats or suitable alternatives for purchase. If a film is already owned as a DVD, we will not duplicate it in streaming unless there is a prevailing reason to do so. Individual streaming films and mediated access requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the library director and the head of collections and access.


The library requires graduate students to submit an electronic copy (PDF) of their thesis via the Electronic Thesis Submission Application. The electronic thesis will be deposited and displayed online in Westminster University’s Institutional Repository for users to access, ensuring the thesis’ longevity and permanent status as part of the library collections. 


Foreign Languages

The library will add materials published in Chinese, Mandarin, French, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish when they are required to support the curricular needs of foreign language course offerings and programs. Please contact the appropriate liaison librarian if you have any foreign language material requests.

Formats Not Collected

The Giovale Library will avoid selecting the following materials:

  • Rare books
  • Maps
  • Workbooks
  • Government documents
  • Audio formats
  • VHS
  • CD-ROM
  • Microfiche/film
  • Sheet music

The library will also avoid the addition of duplicate copies unless there is a prevailing reason to do so. Exceptions may be made based upon need, cost, and availability of alternatives at the approval of the library director and the head of collections and access.

Library Gift Policy

The Giovale Library welcomes gifts of books, money, and/or endowment funds. The library will not accept serials, magazines, newspapers, or any materials listed under “formats not collected” in the library’s collection development framework. All gifts become the property of Westminster University and the library reserves the right to use them according to its needs. Gift items not selected for the collection may be sold, donated, or discarded. Donors must submit a signed Gifts in Kind Form releasing the gift when it is given to the library. The library will not provide the donor with an evaluation of the monetary value of the gift for tax purposes.

The Giovale Library adheres to all Westminster University data privacy and institutional policies relating to any instances of the privacy of library user information. The library will not intentionally sell, share, or distribute user information outside of the library unless required by law. Below are examples of what information the library collects and how it protects the privacy of its users.

User Records

The library stores personally identifiable information (PII) in its secure user database to track usage and requests of library materials. For user records, the library only collects PII from Westminster University or library users themselves and this information is limited to name, contact information, and user IDs. After users return loaned library items, the library retains all associated loan information from user records for one year before removing. A library user’s loan history will only remain when there is an outstanding fine attached to a loaned item. The library retains a library user record for a minimum of 7 years or if the user has outstanding fines for lost items. If a user does not possess any outstanding fines, library staff will delete patron records at the end of spring semester 3 years after expiry or by patron request.

For some interlibrary loan services, such as ILLiad, the library may preserve a user’s loan history to better comply with copyright laws related to user requests.

The PII of all library users remains confidential and will not be shared elsewhere unless required by law. In some rare cases, the library may also provide user information to university administrators when a user has repeatedly abused the library’s borrowing privileges.

Electronic Resources and Third-Party Websites

Westminster University provides content that is linked out to third-party websites using the university’s single sign-on system (SSO). In addition to research databases, the library links out to websites not maintained by Westminster. The library keeps PII private and does not share SSO information with third-party websites. However, users should know that external resources may have their own policies independent of the Giovale Library use of services.

Griffin Search

EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS), branded as Griffin Search at Westminster University, allows users to enter PII to expand on the services of the platform. Users can opt-out of any data collection by filling out a form located on the top search bar or by visiting the opt-out link.

User Assessment

The library will sometimes collect user surveys to improve library services. The library does not retain any PII related to these surveys and will only use the information internally and, if shared outside the library, all PII will be removed, and data will only be disclosed in aggregate. 
While using the library website, users may submit personal information through email, chat, or forms. Library staff only use this information internally to process and answer user inquiries.

Additional Information

Mission Statement

The Giovale Library supports Westminster University’s dedication to fostering student success and to creating a community of lifelong learners by providing access to innovative services and collections that encourage intellectual growth and exploration.


Collaboration and Teamwork

The Giovale Library staff collaborates with each other as well as colleagues across campus and institutions of learning to ensure we are providing our community with appropriate resources, services, and programs for learning, teaching, and professional growth.

Community Oriented

The Giovale Library is responsive to our community and makes evidence-based decisions while remaining flexible, adapting to the evolving needs of the Westminster University community and the changing information environment.


The Giovale Library recognizes that diversity, equity, and inclusion are imperative to the success and strength of both the library and the campus community. Our daily and governing practices align with our unyielding commitment to inclusive excellence.


The Giovale Library engages in forward-thinking practices to ensure sustainable growth. We support the professional development of library staff and set strategic goals that embrace the ongoing change of the information landscape.


The Giovale Library prioritizes student success and intellectual growth, fostering freedom of inquiry and expression.

Teaching and Learning

The Giovale Library encourages engaged learning among Westminster students by supporting research and discovery. We offer individualized research help and partner with faculty and staff to provide information literacy instruction and research consultations.