Parent and Family Resources
Westminster University provides resources to parents from their students' admission all the way to graduation. Parents are encouraged to participate in their students' educational experience by getting involved in events, fundraising, leadership, and campus life. Whether you live in Utah or somewhere far away, you can stay up-to-date with campus happenings and feel connected to your child's university experience.
Considering Westminster University?
We are delighted that you and your family are considering Westminster University for your student's educational experience. You may want to learn more about programs, visiting campus, tuition and aid, or admissions requirements.
Westminster Stories
Your journeys are the foundation of Westminster’s story. Follow the successes of our students, professors, and alumni to see how our story evolves.
Your tuition, fully paid
All students should have the ability to explore their passions. Westminster University is proud to cover the cost of tuition for qualifying students through the Westminster Commitment.
Settling into College Life
Your student has been admitted, now what? We've got you covered.
Buy textbooks, laptops, and academic supplies from the Westminster online bookstore.
Students are encouraged to carry health and accident insurance. All international students, student athletes, and students admitted to the nursing program are required to provide evidence of insurance coverage. Many plans carry students on their parents’ coverage if they are under the age of 26. You can also check out private health plan options for students and ACA health care plans.
Students will receive residence hall room assignments and roommate information in July. If you haven't received this information, please call 801.832.2245.
Westminster requires that all first-year and sophomore students live on campus, unless they have applied for a residency exemption.
Move-in day is in August and includes day and evening activities for students—both mandatory and optional.
New Student Orientation is a mandatory program for all new students entering in the fall. During orientation registration, your student can also register any guests or family members who plan to attend the Parent and Family Experience. You can email studentinvolvement@westminsteru.edu to confirm your registration for New Student Orientation.
The Outdoor Experience is an optional—and awesome—pre-orientation program where incoming first-year students learn outdoor skills and meet fellow first-year students while exploring Utah's landscape.
Support the student experience at Westminster University with a donation to the Parent Fund.
Here are some ideas and resources to help you have productive conversations with your student about preparing for college:
- Talk to your student about responsible citizenship. You may want to cover topics like peer pressure, making friends, alcohol use, time management, relationships, honesty, plagiarism, eating healthy, and exercise. The Counseling Center on campus is available for parent and student support.
- Establish a regular communication schedule. Remind your student that you tend to worry if they don't return your phone calls. As your student frames their own choices and decisions at this powerful, transitional time in their lives, be available and listen.
- Develop a budget with your student. Remember to include tuition and fees, meals, and books.
- Encourage your student to get involved on campus. They should make use of campus resources and be open to connecting with a faculty or staff mentor. Research shows campus involvement increases a student's GPA.
New first-year students will register with a faculty advisor through New Griffin Enrollment. Registration will open on May 1.
Tuition insurance helps cover the cost of tuition during difficult situations like medical emergencies or other instances that prevent a student from completing the semester.
Visit The W Shop in Shaw Student Center to buy your Westminster gear, including shirts, mugs, license plate frames, and stickers.