The need for knowledge of cultures, religions, and identities has been increasing; that is why the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has created this resource page for the faculty and staff members at Westminster University. This page contains important information for the faculty and staff and provides diversity trainings, workshops, and lectures.
Upcoming Diversity Events
Seminars and Workshops
The Diversity Learn and Lead events engage those in conversations about specific diversity topics and how we can create inclusive spaces. Attendees will gain resources and hear from leaders and scholars. These experiences are meant to allow individuals to learn, share with colleagues, and lead in your specific role.
- Inclusive Workspaces - Basic policies and practices that foster inclusive work environments. (Avg. time: 90 min.)
- Diversity at Westminster - Overview of how diversity is framed at Westminster (Avg. time: 40–50 min.)
- Introduction to Bias - Explore different types of biases and how it can impact your personal and professional practice (Avg. time: 90–120 min.)
- Inclusive Teaching - Learn basic strategies for creating classroom environments that support student success of all students (Avg. time: 90 min.)
- Diversity in Hiring - Inclusive and legal strategies for incorporating diversity in the talent search, reviewing, and development process (Avg. time: 90–120 min.)
- Cultural Competence - An introduction on how to build your awareness and rethink practices (Avg. time: 60 min.)
- Diversity and Leadership - Exploring a framed leadership model and identifying diversity as a critical component (Avg. time: 80–120 min.)
- Intercultural Development Inventory - An assessment of individual and group cross-cultural and intercultural competence and the development of personal action plans (Avg. time: 90–120 min.; Avg. cost: $20 per person)
Teachable Moment Conversation: Social Unrest During a Global Pandemic
June 4, 2020
Educational Resources
Faculty and staff are welcome to join the DEI discussion and resource email list through the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
What is diversity and Inclusion?
Diversity: Individual differences, life experiences, group/social differences (e.g., race/ethnicity, class, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, nationality, and disability), historically underrepresented groups, and groups with cultural, political, religious/spiritual, or other affiliations. Adapted from the AAC&U.
Inclusion: The active, intentional, and ongoing engagement with diversity—in the curriculum, in the co-curriculum, and in communities (intellectual, social, cultural, geographical) with which individuals might connect—in ways that increase awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication, and emphatic understanding of the complex ways individuals interact within systems and institutions. From the AAC&U.
Equality and Equity: What is the difference?
A state of being that allows all persons to have equal access to rights, status, and opportunities.
Adapted from Google dictionary.
The creation of opportunities for historically underrepresented populations to have equal access to and participate in educational programs that address institutionalized achievement gaps in student success and completion.
Unconscious Bias
Intersectionality recognizes that individuals have multiple interlocking identities defined in terms of sociocultural power and privilege, and that these identities shape people's individual and collective experiences. Identity is understood as all identities held by the individual, as well as the systems of privilege and oppression within which their identities are located.
Pronouns, Gender Expression, and Gender Identity
Gender Pronouns
Gender pronouns are the words used to talk about someone in third person.
Example: She/He/They/Ze/Per/ Xe/ etc.
What Pronouns Are and How to Use Them Correctly
The Difference between Sex and Gender
The biological difference between male and female determined by chromosomes and genitals.
Gender Identity
The way a person chooses to identify within the binary (male/ female) or outside the binary (Trans gender, gender non-conforming/ non-binary).
Gender Expression
The way a person decides to express their gender. The way they express their gender could be through clothing, names, pronouns, etc.
LGBTQIAP+ Resources
On-Campus Organizations
Queer Compass
Queer Compass is a student lead, administrative supported, initiative meant to better serve the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Ally+ (LGBTQIA+) population on Westminster's campus.
Inspired by the great work done by UIC’s Gender and Sexuality Center, Queer Compass aims to foster community, visibility, and openness with our Westminster students. By holding monthly meetings attendees will be able to participate in multifaceted, intersectional, dialogues surrounding issues of marginalization, victimization, safety, power, privilege, identity, gender, sexuality, navigating higher education and opportunities for growth.
Contact Jared Winn-Taryor at to find out about upcoming events.
Off-Campus Organizations
Words to Know
Bias, Hate Speech, and Cultural Incidents
- Guidelines for Discussing Incidents of Hate, Bias, and Discrimination (University of Michigan)
- Additional Information about Unconscious Bias (Vanderbilt University)
- Bias Response and Referral Network (University of Minnesota)
- Implicit/Unconscious Bias (Dickinson College)
Classroom Environments
- Inclusive Teaching Resources and Strategies (University of Michigan)
- Diversity in the Classroom: Beyond race and Gender (Vanderbilt University)
- Increasing Inclusivity in the Classroom (Vanderbilt University)
- Preparing for Cultural Diversity: Resources for Teachers (Edutopia)
Growth Mindset
- Student Ownership, Responsibility are Keys to Success (Vanderbilt University)
- Growth Mindset Lesson Plan (Khan Academy)
- Developing a Growth Mindset (Carol Dweck)
- Recognizing and Overcoming False Growth Mindset (Edutopia)
- Growing your Mind (Khan Academy)
Personal Interactions and Sense of Belonging
Micro Aggression
- Who are you? Multiracial Students and Micro aggressions on College campuses (NASPA)
- Am I overreacting?” Understanding and Combating Micro aggressions (ACE)
- Micro aggressions in the Classroom (University of Denver)
Micro Affirmations
- Micro-affirmations in Academic Advising: Small Acts, Big Impact (PennState)
- Micro-affirmation & Micro-inequities (Journal of the International Ombudsman Association)
- Learning to play in a more Inclusive Key (Michigan State University)
- Accentuate the Positive (Usable Knowledge)
- Check your Privilege (University of San Francisco)
- The Tremendous Unspoken Privilege of a College Education (Study Break)
Sense of Belonging
- A Stronger Sense of Belonging (National & World Affairs)
- Promoting Inclusion and Identity Safety to Support College Success (The Century Foundation)
- College Students’ Sense of Belonging: A key to Educational Success for all Students (Project Muse)
Universal Design and Accommodations
- Universal Design. Do-It
- Universal Design for Learning (Temple University)
- Universal Design for Learning (Haverford College)
Student Resources
Beyond the Binary
Westminster University is working to go beyond the binary. That means we recognize there are many gender identities besides man and woman. This includes, but is not limited to, non-binary, genderqueer, demiboy/demigirl, genderfluid, and agender.
There are additional gender nonconforming terms, such as Hijra and Two-Spirit, that require extra research and consideration to avoid Eurocentric appropriation.
Some non-binary people identify with more than one of these genders and transgender people may identify with binary and/or non-binary gender(s).
Pronoun Use
A preferred-gender pronoun is a pronoun an individual identifies with and asks others to use when talking to or about them such as: he, she, him, his, her
There are also gender-neutral pronouns for people who do not identify with either of the binary genders. These include but are not limited to: they, ze, xe, ey
Like gender identities, non-binary and transgender people may be comfortable with more than one pronoun.
Why Pronouns are Important
Using individuals’ pronouns shows them you are mindful and respectful of their gender identity. If you use the wrong pronoun for someone, that is called misgendering. This term refers to the accidental or purposeful gendering of someone that does not match up with that person’s gender identity.
Being misgendered can make a gender nonconforming or transgender person feel dysphoric. Along with other social factors, gender dysphoria can lead to feelings of isolation and a high rate of suicide in the gender-nonconforming community.
Using gender-neutral pronouns takes some getting used to, but together we can make our campus a welcoming space for everyone.

“As institutional members, it is really necessary for us to engage in not just educating ourselves, but acknowledging that people have different lived experiences and those different lived experiences influence how they behave, how they perceive, and what they center in terms of their identity.”