glass windows of building on campus with clouds in the reflection

Counseling Center

About the Counseling Center

The Counseling Center firmly believes in the importance of attention to the “whole person” in the educational process. The center aims to assist students in clarifying and accomplishing personal and academic goals, offering:

  • Brief counseling and referral services for individuals who may be experiencing psychological or emotional difficulties
  • Programming focused on the developmental needs of college students to help them maximize the benefits of their academic environment and experiences
  • Consultation with faculty, staff, and parents regarding mental health concerns of students
  • Mental health resources from internal and external sources

All individual and group counseling services are held in-person. Individual sessions may be held virtually based on need. If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, make arrangements to meet with your counselor virtually and do not come to the center.

Learn More About Services

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Counseling Center strives to practice all therapeutic services with respect and mindfulness to a student’s multiple identities. Counseling Center staff recognize that students experience violence, discrimination, bias, and exclusion related to their identity. These experiences can impact mental health and need to be seen and validated within the counseling process. Staff engage in ongoing training and consultation to increase competency working with the needs of specific groups. We also welcome feedback to improve services to ensure all students feel safe accessing them.

If you have feedback, email the Counseling Center assistant director, Molly Butterworth (, or anonymously email the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (

Schedule an Appointment

Counseling Services

Common mental health concerns addressed in counseling include depression, anxiety, stress, relationship issues, and academic concerns. Referral services are available for faculty and staff.

Groups are offered based on student interest. Some groups require a meeting with the facilitator prior to joining to assess if it is a good fit. Contact the Counseling Center (801.832.2465 or to inquire about joining groups or for more information.

The Counseling Center staff utilizes a client-centered, solution-focused approach to counseling. This approach emphasizes a focus on strengths and establishing specific treatment goals. clinicians work with students to develop effective problem-solving and healthy coping skills. If you or your counselor conclude that your situation requires longer-term work, your counselor may recommend a referral to an outside counseling agency or other options. Our therapy model may not adequately serve students with long-standing concerns or require intensive case and crisis management needs. In these cases, a clinician will work with you to find appropriate referrals to community agencies specializing in specific mental health concerns.

The center is only able to meet with students who are physically located in the state of Utah. If you are out of state and need a referral, email Erin Gibson ( for resources in your area. If you are interested in establishing new individual counseling, email the center ( to get set up for an intake appointment.

Current Group Offerings

Practice guided mindfulness.

  • Day and Time: TBD (check back for details)
  • Location: TBD (check back for details)
  • Contact: Counseling Center (

Come explore how to develop a self-compassion practice as a means to build compassionate communities and spaces in the beautiful desert scenery of Capitol Reef National Park with the Outdoor Program and Counseling Center.   

  • Day and Time: Spring 2025 (registration opens Spring 2025)
  • Location: Capitol Reef National Park
  • Contact: Erin Gibson (

Learn more and register for the retreat.

Women supporting women. What does that feel like? Come find out! Give and receive support in a space that fosters self-exploration, well-being, and community. Registration is required.

Explore the root causes of your procrastination and learn key skills to address it.

  • Day and Time: Tuesday, March 25 at 12:10 p.m. or Friday, March 28 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Location: Converse 209
  • Contact: Molly Butterworth (
  • Cost: Free. No registration required. Just show up!

Learn about the benefits of mindfulness and practice mindfulness.

  • Day and Time: Tuesday, March 25 at 12:10 p.m. or Friday, March 28 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Location: Converse 209
  • Contact: Molly Butterworth (
  • Cost: Free. No registration required. Just show up!

What’s a happiness break? Come find out!

  • Day and Time: Tuesday, April 29 at 12:10 p.m. or Friday, May 2 at 10:30 a.m.
  • Location: Converse 209
  • Contact: Molly Butterworth (
  • Cost: Free. No registration required. Just show up!

Our clinicians are able to diagnose mental health disorders and write letters of support for specific student needs. 

Letters we write:    

  • Support for students seeking accommodation through disability services
  • WPATH for students seeking surgical intervention for gender transition
  • Housing exemption (if the request pertains to a mental health diagnosis)

Letters we do not write:  

  • Psychological testing, IQ testing, or ADHD evaluations
  • Authorize emotional support or service animals
  • Provide court-ordered evaluations or treatment

Students seeking an advocacy letter must engage in individual counseling sessions for as long as it takes to complete the assessment process, reach a diagnosis, and establish the impact of the diagnosis on a student’s ability to complete daily life activities. Students are not guaranteed a diagnosis or a letter after concluding the assessment process.

Please email the Counseling Center ( for more information.

The Counseling Center offers assessment, early intervention, support, and counseling for those struggling with their own or someone else's alcohol/drug abuse problem. Referrals to off-campus clinicians/agencies will be recommended when appropriate.

More help is available from College Drinking, Changing the Culture, which shares myths and facts about alcohol, access to a BAC calculator, and discussions around the consequences of drinking.

The Victim-Survivor Advocate provides free, confidential, and trauma-informed support services to students who have experienced interpersonal violence (e.g., domestic or dating violence, sexual assault or rape, sexual harassment, stalking).

For support, contact Sophia Alcala, Victim-Survivor Advocate, at

Victim-Survivor Advocate Services

Westminster believes in empowering you to make informed decisions around your healing and justice. The Victim-Survivor Advocate will assist you in navigating any resources, processes, and services that feel relevant and helpful to you:

  • Education: Be empowered by learning how trauma impacts your life and well-being. The advocate can provide you with information on the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual impacts of trauma and help you explore strategies to address these impacts.
  • Support: If you decide to report your assault to law enforcement or to Westminster’s Title IX Office, the advocate can provide you with information about those reporting processes.
  • Referrals: The advocate can help connect you to campus and community resources, including counseling/mental health support, medical/testing services, and legal/justice services.

If you need additional resources related to sexual assault, please reference Westminster’s Title IX policies and information.


Westminster University’s approach to integrated wellness empowers you to live a healthy life, develop confidence, and create your community on campus. Through prevention and intervention programs, you will learn a holistic approach to well-being that will help you discover health, happiness, purpose, and form connections on campus. This program encompasses the 7 dimensions of wellness: social, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, physical, environmental, and financial.

All inquiries, discussions, and services are confidential. Knowledge that you are receiving counseling services, as well as the specific content of your counseling and assessment, is confidential.

Adherence to Ethical Guidelines

The Westminster Counseling Center adheres to the ethical guidelines of the American Psychological Association, National Association of Social Workers, American Counseling Association, and Utah state and local laws. GRAMA and FERPA govern Counseling Center records, and we generally seek to be compliant with HIPAA standards. The center maintains clinical records in a confidential computerized client management system. The center retains a hard copy of some records maintained in secure and locked files.

No one outside of the Counseling Center may have access to counseling information without your prior, express, written permission except for the following, required by law:

  • A counselor reports suspected or known abuse, neglect, or exploitation of children or disabled adults
  • Cases of imminent danger to self or others to secure your safety or that of others
  • A valid subpoena or court order is issued
    • Your counselor may consult with other providers within the Westminster Counseling Center about your situation to provide the best care possible, or for training purposes


Crisis Intervention

During Business Hours

The center provides crisis counseling services daily during specified times during regular business hours.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a psychological crisis or emergency and need a crisis appointment, contact the office by email at or phone at 801.832.2465.

After-Hours and Weekends

If you or someone you know is experiencing a psychological crisis or emergency, go to your nearest emergency room, use the SafeUT App, or call:

  • Huntsman Mental Health Institute Crisis Line: 801.587.3000
  • National Crisis TEXTLINE: Text “start” to 741741
  • 24-hour Warm Line (non-life-threatening distress): 801.587.1055
  • Utah Sexual Violence Crisis Line: 1.888.421.1100

  • 911

Contact the Counseling Center

Contact the Counseling Center with any questions or to schedule an appointment.

Hours: Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Location: L.S. Skaggs Integrated Wellness Center, Suite 202
Phone: 801.832.2465

SafeUT App

The SafeUT Crisis Chat and Tip Line is a statewide service available to the Westminster community that provides real-time crisis intervention through live chat and a confidential tip program—right from your smartphone.

SafeUT can help anyone with emotional crises, bullying, relationship problems, mental health, or suicide-related issues. Licensed clinicians in the 24/7 Crisis Line call center respond to all incoming chats and calls by providing:

  • Supportive or crisis counseling
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Referral Services

Staff and faculty are welcome to submit a tip if they have a concern about a student’s safety or mental health.

Counseling Center Staff

The Counseling Center staff members maintain their professional mental health licensure in the state of Utah or receive direct clinical supervision by a licensed staff member. All Counseling Center staff are experienced professionals equipped to work with students with a wide range of needs. Staff approach all clients from a trauma-informed lens respectful of intersecting identities. Counseling Center staff utilize the following therapeutic modalities:

  • EMDR therapy
  • Internal family systems
  • CBT
  • Somatic informed
  • ACT
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Feminist multicultural

Staff and Counselors


Clinical Trainees

    Self-Help and Prevention Resources

    The Counseling Center is an excellent resource for counseling-specific needs, but additional external resources are available to help you explore various topics surrounding self-help, prevention information, and coping during a pandemic. These external resources provide supplementary information; however, the Counseling Center is not responsible for any content on other websites.

    • Anxiety and Depression Association of America: learn detailed information about anxiety and depression, including symptoms, access online videos and brochures, and read others' success stories.
    • What is depression?” (National Institute of Mental Health): learn what depression is, signs and symptoms of depression, types of depression, and treatment options.

    It’s completely expected and appropriate to experience fear during situations like the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s also important to know how to manage overwhelming anxiety and keep perspective as the situation unfolds.

    The following are resources and tips provided by the Jed Foundation:

    • Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders: get detailed information about eating disorders as well as treatment options.
    • National Eating Disorders Association: get easy access to help and support, as well as information and a variety of ways to get involved.
    • Life Values Inventory: a free values clarification and personal development program
    • ULifeline: take a quick mental health test from a self-evaluator, which identifies common mental health issues; learn more about mental health issues and the warning signs of emotional distress and suicide; and access emergency contact information and on and off-campus resources.
    • Wholehearted Inventory: learn about how you present yourself to the world and notice the areas of strength to live your desired life.

    Taking Care of Your Body

    Engage in Routine Exercise

    You don’t need a gym to get exercise. Some easy ways to get exercise include:

    • Free yoga videos on YouTube and other websites
    • Going outside and getting fresh air by walking, running, riding your bike, or hiking (while being sure to follow social distancing guidelines)

    Get Good Sleep

    • Consider investing in a white noise machine or exploring free white noise apps for your electronic devices.
    • Go to bed and get up at the same time each day.


    • Take time to cook healthy food that you enjoy and increase your water intake.
    • Be mindful of increased drug and alcohol consumption being used to cope with stress and boredom.

    Build a Routine

    Try to maintain consistency in your life as if you were going to work and/or school like you normally would. Some things that may help with this include:

    • Writing out your schedule on a board or paper and displaying it prominently
    • Going to bed at the same time each night and setting an alarm to get up at the same time each morning, trying to follow the usual routine you did while learning or working on campus
    • Creating a diversified list of activities and schedule intentional down time to reflect
    • Taking breaks from screens to refrain from being online all day

    Address Fears and Doubts

    • Practice letting go of the things you cannot change.
    • Accept your emotions and reach out to trusted people for support.
    • Take a break from social media and the news about COVID-19.

    Reflect and Engage in Resiliency Activities

    Sometimes it can be difficult for friends and family to know what to do when a loved one is experiencing difficulties with mental health. Fortunately, there are a variety of resources that can provide information and support to those who want to help.

    Friends and Family

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides a helpful outline of what friends and family can do to assist their loved one, including:

    • Ways to offer support
    • How to talk about mental health
    • What to do if you are asked for help
    • Ways to get immediate assistance for your loved one

    Parents and Caregivers

    Other information is available for those who are the guardians of someone experiencing difficulties with mental illness, including:

    • What to look for
    • What to do
    • How to talk about mental health
    • How to support your child
    • How to get help for your child
    • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1.800.273.8255
    • Seattle University's Counseling and Psychological Services: information about suicide prevention, myths, warning signs, and additional resources
    • American Association of Suicidology
    • Out of the Darkness Walks: information about the annual walk to raise awareness and funds that allows the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to invest in new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy, and support survivors of suicide loss
    • If You Are Thinking About Suicide, Read This First”: from Metanoia, a community service by the nonprofit Psych Central Community Connection

    Find a Therapist

    If you are local and would like to access a therapist in the community, you can find therapists through Psychology Today.

    You can also find therapists through the LGBTQ-Affirmative Psychotherapist Guild of Utah's free online directory.


    If you are under self-quarantine or self-isolation due to COVID-19 or are located outside the state of Utah and you would like access to online counseling services, you can access teletherapy sessions (services that do cost money per session) through the following online providers:

    Community Referrals

    Off Campus Free/Reduced Cost Counseling

    • Educational Assessment and Student Support Clinic: 801.213.3542 (sliding scale $5-20 per session)
    • Rape Recovery Center(for sexual assault): 801.467.7282 (free)
    • Jewish Family Services: 801.746.4334 (sliding fee scale starting at $20 per session)
    • For Individual and Group Therapy Support for LGBTQIA+: Utah Pride Center

    Telehealth Resources and Therapist Directories