Student Civic Engagement Opportunities
The Dumke Center has opened a lot of doors for me. I've been introduced to new ways
of thinking about civic engagement that have impacted me personally—like the importance
of reflecting on the impact of your service, both positive and negative. Through my
work with the center, I've also made invaluable connections with community members,
nonprofit organizations, and politicians. My time with the Dumke Center has truly
helped me develop as a leader and as a member of the local and global community.
/ Lia Baez

Annual Events
Take advantage of opportunities to get involved as a Westminster student or staff or faculty member and create meaningful relationships with the community.
Volunteer Fair (September)
Each year, we host a volunteer fair in Richer Commons—with more than 30 nonprofits in attendance. Students, staff, and faculty are welcome to mingle and find their nonprofit connection.
Day of Service (October)
Our biggest volunteer event of the semester, the Day of Service, is hosted in collaboration with Hawthorne Elementary School. Clubs, athletics, students, staff, and faculty are invited to spend a Friday morning assisting elementary school children in the completion of service projects. There is a wide array of projects ranging from drawings to hygiene kits. This event is extensive and includes advertising, planning service projects, and day-of operations.
Hunger Banquet (November)
As part of a nationwide event, we host an annual hunger banquet, an interactive meal that raises awareness of the systemic causes of hunger and allows us to fundraise for local nonprofits. A representative from Utahns Against Hunger traditionally speaks during the event.
MLK Day of Service (January)
Each year, students from nearby schools are invited to the Westminster campus for an afternoon of university exploration. In the past, event programming has focused on science projects; service projects; university access; and fun, movement-oriented activities.
Alternative Spring Break (March)
The Dumke Center offers an annual alternative spring break that includes a service component. This event has ranged from traveling to other states for service projects, to offering one or more local volunteer opportunities during the break.
Political Engagement
We strive to empower students in their community through political engagement. We register voters, provide information about upcoming elections, encourage activism through nonprofits, and teach students with various voting statuses about how they can have a voice in government.
Voter registration (September)
Join us for a voter registration party in Richer Commons. We will have plenty of snacks, some fun activities, music, and (of course) voter registration forms for students who want to register to vote in the state of Utah.
Political Puppies (October)
Hang out with puppies, eat some food, and meet your candidates for elected office this Midterm election (2018). Not eligible to vote? No problem! You can still hang out with us in Richer Commons and meet the people who want to represent residents of Utah.
What Now?: How to Engage in Politics After Elections (November)
We explain what happens after candidates are voted into office and how you can contact your representatives to voice your opinions and concerns—whether that’s reaching out via letter, an email, a call, or lobbying for a bill you want to support.
Politics 101: December Discussions (December)
Join us for an evening filled with pizza, politics, and conversation. You can sit down with your local representatives and ask them all kinds of questions regarding policy, experiences running for office, and issues that you feel need to be addressed.
I AM HUMAN: Humanizing the Migrant Experience (January)
Come prepared to participate in a discussion about the politics surrounding migrants. Attendees will learn more about the lives of immigrants and refugees from a panel and watch a documentary about migrants who are part of our Westminster community.
Activism as Change Fair (February)
Join us in Shaw for this interactive event where you can explore diverse nonprofit organizations. Drop by for information on how to volunteer and get connected and involved. There are many organizations to choose from and get involved in—whether you’re passionate about issues such as hunger and education or the environment, refugee rights, and more.
Politics 101: Inequities in the Health Care System (March)
Join us in Bassis to learn about inequalities that are inherent in the global and American health care systems. There will be food and engaging conversation.
The Demographics of Inequality: Voter Awareness Banquet (April)
Join Voterise and the Dumke Center for Civic Engagement in Bassis to learn about voting inequities and participate in an interactive simulation that models the voter demographics of the US. Enjoy free food and insightful conversation about the demographics of inequality in voting in America.
Civic Connections
Every week, we create opportunities where you can learn about a community challenge and then work with a nonprofit to address it. Last semester, students devoted approximately 200 hours to our community through this program. It’s a fun way to plant your roots in our community.
Women’s Program
Each month, we collaborate with the Road Home to create opportunities for women who are homeless to connect and grow. These opportunities are recommended by the women we serve, and logistics are handled through the Dumke Center.
Queer Prom
Volunteer with the Utah Pride Center to create a fantastic and empowering night for queer youth and allies.
Spring Carnival
Support grieving families at The Sharing Place through a day of carnival activities.
Survivor Journals
Join us as we partner with the Rape Recovery Center to create custom journals that aid survivors in their healing process.
Nonprofit Organizations in the Salt Lake Area
If none of these campus opportunities are interesting to you or you are looking for more opportunities, please connect with a nonprofit or organization in the Salt Lake community. Use the map below to find your area of interest. You are welcome to schedule an appointment with the Dumke Center for help getting started.