Brand Guidelines
The Westminster University brand is represented through its visual identity and messaging. Applying Westminster's brand standards to your work—whether you're writing an email, answering the phone, or promoting an event—maintains Westminster's brand integrity across all audiences and media.
Filming and Photography
Members of the Westminster community can use the individual or group photo release form for university-related photography.
Before filming/photographing at Westminster University, review the information below to determine your specific type of film/photography request. Each category requires specific coordination processes and may require location fees and insurance paperwork. Also review the Filming and Photography policy document and then submit a filming request.
All commercial film/photography requests on campus must be coordinated and approved by Westminster's Office of Marketing and Communication and the Office of Auxiliary and Event Services. External use filming/photography includes, but is not limited to
- Theatrical release, broadcast, or print media
- Industrial use (e.g., trade shows, intra-company commercial use)
- Non-Westminster student filming
- Editorial use
- Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
- Westminster student-, faculty-, or staff-contracted filming for private purposes
- Documentary
Commercial film/photography requests should be coordinated at least 10 days prior to the requested film/photography date. Additional fees may apply if the request falls outside the 10-day window. All commercial requests will require the requesting filmmaker/photographer to sign Westminster's Film and Photography Location Agreement.
All commercial film/photography requests should include the following information.
- Project name/detailed description of film/photography project
- Specific dates and times
- Proposed shoot locations
- Size of crew and specific logistical needs (parking, catering, maintenance, grounds, police, etc.)
- Intended distribution outlets
- Production company name and responsible parties
Please direct commercial requests with the above information to:
With few exceptions, all commercial film/photography requests will be subject to location fees that relate to the length of time of the project, applicable facility rental fees, and service fees for supervision and support (maintenance, grounds, parking, police, etc.). Standard fees include, but are not limited to
- Per-day film location fee (interior and/or exterior): Starting at $5,000
- Per-day photography location fee (exterior): Starting at $2,000
- Per-day photography location fee (interior): $2,000 + applicable facility rental fees
- Per-day photography location fee (interior and exterior): Starting at $4,000
Potential Westminster University film/photography locations from the Utah Film Commission
Due to amount of university-related events and activities throughout the school year, Westminster may not be able to accommodate all commercial film/photography requests. To increase your chance of success, the university recommends that requesters consider the summer semester time frame or other academic breaks.
Please refer to Westminster's Policy Governing Campus Filming and Photography for specific information on commercial filming and photography requests.
All news media film/photography interviews and footage by conventional media outlets should be coordinated through the Office of Marketing, Communication, and Events at 801.707.7475.
Requests for student and class film/photography projects should be coordinated through the Office of Marketing, Communication, and Events to ensure the requested location is available and the shoot will not interfere with any classes, events, etc., on campus. The Office of Marketing, Communication, and Events will also coordinate with campus patrol to ensure access is available.
Accessibility in Digital Communications
Westminster University is committed to following all WCAG 2.1 AA accessibility standards in all digital communications (e.g., email, websites, PDFs), in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and related federal laws. University faculty, staff, and students should reference the university's digital accessibility guidelines for assistance in creating accessible digital content.
Student Project Guidelines
Westminster University supports hands-on student learning experiences in all areas of study. Some areas of study present opportunities for service-learning technology and communication-based projects with Westminster departments, programs, and services. For those projects, it’s important to consider the following before planning your project:
- Representation of any part of the university must follow Westminster’s brand guidelines both visually and contextually.
- Your project must remain private such that a public audience is not able to see it until it’s approved by the Office of Marketing and Communication and/or Information Services.
- Example 1: A website designed to promote a service on campus should be hidden from external search engines or only accessible with a password.
- Example 2: A flyer designed to promote an event or service should be submitted for approval before posting on campus bulletin boards.
- Once your project is complete and you share it with your campus stakeholder, the stakeholder can submit it to the Office of Marketing and Communication and/or Information Services for review. The project will be reviewed for:
- Visual brand compliance
- Writing style compliance
- Technical implementation requirements
- Technical maintenance requirements
Contact the Office of Marketing and Communication and/or Information Services for more information or to submit a project for review.
Laura Kendellen
Director, Web Strategy
Laura Kendellen
- Director, Web Strategy
Social Media Policy and Guidelines
Social media is a powerful tool that allows you to connect and build relationships with the Westminster community. Our social media guidelines and best practices will help you effectively manage a social media presence and positively promote Westminster University.