Process and Requirements

  • New first-year students will register for classes with a faculty advisor through New Griffin Enrollment. Registration will open on May 1.

  • New transfer students register with an academic advisor.
  • New Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) students will register with Stephanie Pointer, Graduate Advising and Co-curricular Programs Director, by phone (801.832.2611) or email (
  • New graduate students register with a program advisor.
  • Undergraduate students are required to declare a major before they reach junior status or they will be prevented from registering for future terms until this process is completed.
  • Continuing students can register on their registration date after adding specific courses to their online plan for graduation.
  • Students planning to register for 21 or more credits must have a 3.0 GPA and support from their dean and advisor. Submit the approved petition form to the Registrar's Office.

Registration Dates

2025 May Term Study Experiences (Travel Classes)

  • All Undergraduates: Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024

2025 Spring Semester Classes

  • Graduate students and seniors (90+ credits): Monday, November 4, 2024
  • Juniors (60–89 credits): Tuesday, November 5, 2024
  • Sophomores (28–59 credits): Wednesday, November 6, 2024
  • Freshmen (less than 28 credits): Thursday, November 7, 2024
  • New Graduate Students: Monday, November 11, 2024
  • New Transfer Students: Monday, November 18, 2024

2025 Summer and Fall Semester Classes

  • Candidates for Summer 2024 Graduation Register for Summer Classes: Monday, March 3, 2025
  • Graduate Students and Seniors (90+ credits): Monday, March 31, 2025
  • Juniors (60–89 credits): Tuesday, April 1, 2025
  • Sophomores (28–59 credits): Wednesday, April 2, 2025
  • Freshmen (less than 28 credits): Thursday, April 3, 2025
  • New Graduate Students: Monday, April 7, 2025
  • New Transfer Students: Monday, April 14, 2025

How To Register

The Registrar's Office has provided instructional videos to help you complete registration.

Learn How to Register Learn How to Register: Graduate Students Learn How to Search for WCore Classes

Instructional Modalities

The following will help you understand the instructional modalities of courses. These appear in the “Locations” box when viewing course offerings in Self-Service.

  • On Campus, In Person: The course will normally meet together but may include up to 20% of time not in a physical classroom.
  • On Campus, Hybrid: The course will have an assigned classroom but up to 80% of your time may be virtual.
  • Online Synchronous: The class will be virtual but will have specific class meeting times.
  • Online Asynchronous: The class will be virtual and will not have specific meeting times.

Complete Your Registration

Register Online

Credit/No Credit Option

Students may elect to take a maximum of two courses that would normally require letter grades on a credit/no credit basis. Courses taken in this way may not be applied to majors or minors. Students who declare a major or minor in a given subject after having taken a course in that subject on a credit/no credit basis may be required by their major or minor department to retake the course for a letter grade.

There are no limits on Westminster courses that are offered exclusively on a credit/no credit basis, and, when they occur in majors or minors, they may be used in those majors or minors.

Students who take courses credit/no credit must perform work at the level of C- or higher to receive credit. Grades of credit/no credit are not included in GPA calculations.

To elect the credit/no credit option, you need to fill out the form available in the Registrar's Office (Bamberger Hall, second floor) and leave it in our office. Because students have approximately seven weeks to make this decision, there are no exceptions to the deadline and forms will not be accepted past the deadline. The credit-no credit option may not be changed after the deadline, except in cases where students change majors or minors and the major or minor department does not require that the course be taken again for a letter grade.

Check the Academic Calendar to learn deadlines for electing a class Credit/No Credit.

Incomplete Policy

When extenuating circumstances occur beyond a student’s control—such as medical issues or family emergencies—students can request that faculty assign them an incomplete grade. At the time of request, students should have a passing grade and have completed at least two-thirds of the required coursework. Generally, incomplete grades are not given when the incomplete work includes team-based projects and assignments, although exceptions can be made.

If a faculty member determines an incomplete grade is warranted, all work must be completed by the date specified by the faculty member within 10 weeks after the course has ended. Adjunct faculty members must inform the department chair of the incomplete grade and devise a plan to assure follow through during the extended period. If the work is not completed by the end of the period specified, the temporary mark is changed to the grade indicated by the instructor. If no grade has been indicated, the mark is changed to an “F”. When coursework in which a student has received an incomplete grade has been made up, the final grade is entered with I and the letter grade (for example, IA).

Alternatives to incomplete grades may include a) students repeating a course to improve the grade and their GPA, or b) filing a petition with the review committee for a late withdrawal when the extraordinary circumstances faced by the student are documented and resulted in failing all classes in a term. Faculty members may adopt late assignment rules or more restrictive incomplete policies, and are encouraged to articulate those policies on the syllabus.

Note for graduating students: A grade of “I” for any class in a student’s last semester will automatically move them to the next graduating semester.

Faculty may assign a due date up to a maximum of 10 weeks after the last day of class:

Term Last Day of Class 10 Weeks After Last Day of Class
Fall 2023 December 15 February 23
Spring 2024 May 3 July 12
Summer 2024 August 5 October 11
Fall 2024 December 13 February 21
Spring 2025 May 9 July 18
Summer 2025 August 11 October 20

Withdraw from Courses

For regular, full-semester courses, students may withdraw from class through the eleventh week of class. Students who withdraw after the end of the first full week receive a grade of W, which does not affect GPA. Students who withdraw after the eleventh week receive a grade of WF, which is calculated as an F in the GPA. The dates for W and WF deadlines are posted in the Academic Calendar. For classes with irregular meeting dates, please refer to the table below.

In case of illness or injury, family members may complete the student withdrawal from the university. In case of duress or special need, an administrative withdrawal may be initiated by the Dean of Students.

Students who fail to withdraw from courses they have not attended are liable for all tuition and fees charged to their accounts. Grades of F are assigned at the end of the semester for any classes that students fail to drop.

Session Type Deadline Withdrawal Grade
2 Meeting Sessions After 1st Session WF
3 Meeting Sessions After 1st Session W
After 2nd Session WF
4–5 Meeting Sessions After 1st Session W
After 2nd Session W
After 3rd Session WF
6 Meeting Sessions After 1st Session No W
After 2nd Session W
After 3rd Session W
After 4th Session WF
After 5th Session WF
7 Meeting Sessions After 1st Session No W
After 2nd Session W
After 3rd Session W
After 4th Session WF
After 5th Session WF
After 6th Session WF


Unusual or Extenuating Circumstances

Students sometimes face unusual or extenuating circumstances that prevent them from finishing a course or semester or otherwise complying with institutional deadlines. A Review Committee meets monthly to examine petitions made by students regarding retroactive record changes (e.g. medical withdrawal) and/or full or partial charges of tuition and fees. A student's petition, which includes a detailed letter and appropriate documentation of the unusual or extenuating circumstances, can be submitted to the Registrar's Office (Bamberger Hall, Upper Floor or All petitions must be submitted within six weeks after the end of the semester in question. Absent serious extenuating circumstances, requests submitted beyond six weeks after the end of the semester will not be considered. Because tuition insurance is recommended, petitions for removal of tuition charges are rarely approved even if the committee decides to approve a change to the academic record. If a petition for refund is granted, changes will be made retroactive only to the last date of attendance, and tuition charges will be adjusted according to Westminster University's posted refund schedule found on the Student Account Services webpage. Reevaluation by the student's physician or counselor may be required prior to re-enrollment.

Following these guidelines, the Review Committee will either approve or deny all petitions. A student who thinks there has been unfair bias or encountered a procedural error made by this committee may appeal it in writing within 10 calendar days to an Appeals Committee chaired by the vice president for finance and administration. The decision reached by this committee is final.

The Review Committee cannot change rules regarding the amount of federal financial aid that must be returned when a student does not fulfill program requirements. Students are encouraged to read "Withdrawing and Its Effect on Financial Aid" section in the academic catalog and call or visit the Financial Aid Office to determine specific implications for anticipated registration changes. In many cases, if a student withdraws from classes both the federal and institutional financial aid award may be adjusted and all unpaid tuition resulting from the cancellation will become due immediately.

Audit a Course

Students may elect to audit courses at Westminster according to the guidelines listed below. Courses that are entered on students' permanent records as audited (AU) earn no credit and fulfill no requirements.

Regular Audit

Students may register for a regular audit (one-half of credit tuition) according to the following guidelines:

  • Subject to space availability, students may sign up to audit a class on the first day of class.
  • Students wishing to audit an activity course such as a physical education, art, theater, writing, or computer science course must obtain written permission from the instructor.
  • Only students accepted to Masters degree programs may audit graduate classes.
  • Students who are not nursing majors may audit nursing courses with permission of the instructor.
  • The audit technology fee of $50 will apply to classes being audited.

Alumni Audit

Students who graduated from Westminster—and who are not currently pursuing a degree—may request an alumni audit according to the following guidelines:

  • Alumni must apply through the Alumni Relations Office.
  • Alumni will not be added to waitlists when a course is considered full.
  • Alumni audit applications must be received at least two business days before the first day of the semester.
  • Students currently pursuing a graduate degree may not participate in the alumni audit program for an undergraduate course while taking classes at the graduate level.
  • Students wishing to participate in the alumni audit program are required to adhere to all university deadlines for withdrawal and payment of tuition and fees. Students who fail to withdraw will be charged accordingly.
  • Not all classes are eligible for alumni audits. For example, it is not possible to take music lessons or independent art courses at the alumni audit rate due to the costs of hiring instructors.
  • Only students with graduate-level degrees from Westminster University may choose to audit a graduate-level course. The following programs will allow alumni to audit courses in their programs:
    • Master of Education (MED)
    • Master of Arts in Community and Organizational Leadership (MACOL)
    • Master of Public Health (MPH)
    • Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    • Master of Business Administration in Technology Commercialization (MBATC)
    • Master of Accountancy (MACC)
  • $100 fee per class and any applicable course fees + $50 technology fee per semester
  • Ceramics classes include a $250 materials fee.

View courses and sections, but do not register for an alumni audit through Self-Service or you will be billed for regular tuition.
