Westminster Tax Clinic
Start here. I am...
A community member looking to get free tax preparation through VITA services.
A community member looking to get help from the Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITC).
VITA Services Through the Westminster Tax Clinic
The IRS-certified volunteers in Westminster’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offer free tax preparation, electronic filing, and financial advocacy and stability services to:
- low- to moderate-income individuals and families
- persons with disabilities
- the elderly
- members of military services
- veterans
- members of Native American tribes
- limited English proficiency taxpayers
VITA Services
Prepare and Submit Tax Returns
- Federal and multi-state tax returns
- Applications to the Department of Workforce Services for food stamps, medical, and childcare
- Applications to Salt Lake County Treasurer’s Office for property tax abatements and tax delinquencies
- Applications to Utah Community Action for housing, heat, and weatherization
- Applications to Salt Lake City Corporation for the handyman grant, home rehab loan program, and home buyer program (services for SLC residents only)
- And many more
Coordinate Appointments with Financial Assistance Organizations
- The AAA Fair Credit Foundation for Individual Development Accounts set-up and education, Debt Management, Debt Settlement, Financial Coaching, and Credit and Budget Counseling
- The Community Development Corporation of Utah for foreclosure prevention services, the Home Repair Program, the HomeFit Mortgage Program, the Down Payment Assistance Program, and more (to be eligible for CDCU programs you must first complete a class)
At this time, the Westminster Tax Clinic does not anticipate allowing any walk-ins.
The Tax Clinic can no longer accommodate drop-off packets on the Westminster campus. Do not visit the campus for your tax needs. The locations listed below are the only sites where you can get help with your taxes during this tax season.
Nonresident aliens can only be served at the Salt Lake County Government site on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
SLCO Government Site
This location is open for in-person appointments beginning January 20, 2025.
Salt Lake County Government Center
2001 South State Street—North Building
Salt Lake City, Utah 84190
Monday–Thursday: 4:30–9:30 p.m.
Friday: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
Saturday: 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m.
The clinic remains open until the last client is served.
Park City Site
This location is open for in-person appointments beginning January 21, 2025.
Kimball Junction Library
1885 West Ute Boulevard
Park City, Utah 84098
Tuesday: 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
The clinic remains open until the last client is served.
SLCC West Valley Site
Due to staffing issues, this site will not be open in 2025.
Ogden Site
Due to staffing issues, this site will not be open in 2025.
Coalville USU Extension
This location is open for in-person appointments beginning February 3, 2025.
Summit County Coalville USU Extension
45 East 100 North
Coalville, Utah 84017
Monday: 1–4:00 p.m.
The clinic hosts in-person appointments, and tax returns are completed virtually.
Heber City USU Extension
This location is open for in-person appointments beginning February 6, 2025.
Wasatch County Heber City USU Extension
55 South 500 East
Heber City, Utah 84032
Thursday: 9 a.m.–12:00 p.m., 1–4:00 p.m.
The clinic hosts in-person appointments, and tax returns are completed virtually.
Appointment Checklist
- Download and print your IRS intake form. To protect your privacy, do not email forms that include your personal information, especially your social security number, to anyone.
- Schedule an appointment during business hours.
- All government-issued photo IDs and SSN/ITIN cards/letters for all family members you are claiming on your tax return.
- All W2's, 1099's, and any other income-related documents
- Previous years' tax returns if available
- Form 1095-A if you or anyone on your return had Marketplace insurance at any point during the tax year
- Childcare expenses paid and provider's tax I.D., name, and address
- Form 1098 showing proof of mortgage interest and property taxes
- Charitable donations (cash and in-kind)
- Out-of-pocket medical expenses
- Casualty and theft loses
- Form 1098-T showing college expenses
- Record of expenses paid for tuition, fees, and books
- Bank account and routing numbers to have your refund directly deposited into your bank account
- Arrive at your appointment on time with all your documents.
Financial Assistance Resources
- AAA Fair Credit Foundation
- Individual Development Accounts (IDAs)
- Credit and Budget Counseling
- Debt Management
- Community Development Corporation of Utah (CDCU)
- Foreclosure Prevention Services
- Home Repair Program
- HomeFit Mortgage Program
- Down Payment Assistance Program
- Department of Workforce Services
- Food stamps
- Medical assistance
- Child care
- Salt Lake City Corporation
- Handyman Grant
- Home Rehab Program
- Home Buyer Program
- Salt Lake County Treasurer
- Tax Abatement for Real Property Taxes
- Delinquent Taxes for residents of Salt Lake County
- Utah Cap
- Weatherization
- Housing
Promote the Clinic
Partner organizations can print a Tax Clinic flyer to promote it to community members:
- Tax Clinic flyer (English)
- Tax Clinic flyer (Spanish)
LITC Services Through the Westminster Tax Clinic
Low Income Taxpayer Clinics (LITC) are independent from the IRS and the Taxpayer Advocate Service (TAS). LITCs help ensure fairness and integrity in the tax system for taxpayers who are low-income or speak English as a second Language (ESL).
LITC Services
Services are offered for free or for a small fee.
- Represent taxpayers in audits, appeals, and tax collection disputes before the IRS and in court.
- Help taxpayers respond to IRS notices and correct account problems.
- Provide information about taxpayer rights and responsibilities in different languages for individuals who speak English as a second language.
- Identify and advocate for issues that impact low-income and ESL taxpayers.
Note: Generally, the LITC doesn't prepare tax returns.
Jovana Sisovic
Assistant Professor
Jovana Sisovic
- FULL-TIME Faculty
- Assistant Professor
M.A.C.C. Westminster University
B.S. Westminster University
A.A. Feather River College
All contributions support the expansion of the Westminster Tax Clinic in its efforts to serve more community members in need and provide students with experiential learning.