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Data Science Research Guide

Find Background Info

Background sources, such as specialized encyclopedias and dictionaries, are an essential piece of the research process. They can help you:

  • Gather information about your topic and understand the scope of the research.
  • Locate reliable sources and to clarify keywords.
  • Pinpoint important authors, texts, ideas, and keywords about the research area—knowing what the primary phrases and concepts are will help you a lot as you are searching through library databases and online sources.

Credo Reference

Credo Reference is a multi-publisher collection of high-quality reference titles. Available titles also include a range of multimedia options, including thousands of high-quality diagrams, photographs, maps, and audio files.

Credo Reference includes several books on topics in data science. You can search Credo or view topic pages. Topic pages are great places to get a broad overview and recommended readings for your topic.

Search Credo Reference

View Data Science Topic Pages

Find Books

Print and e-books are valuable sources for academic research. They will help you to gain an overview of your topic and often contain in-depth information about the scholarship or history of research on a subject. Some books are written by single authors, while others include essays or chapters by multiple scholars within a discipline. Don’t let the length of books intimidate you because you don’t need to read them from cover to cover. Look at the table of contents and index to find the sections that are relevant to your work.

Find Books Using GriffinSearch

GriffinSearch is a good starting place if you are looking for books, journal articles, films, and other materials available in the library. In addition to searching the Giovale Library catalog for physical materials, GriffinSearch finds e-books and articles from several of our databases. To get started, search by keyword or type in the title of a book here:


WorldCat lets you search for books, articles, videos, and other material that are available in libraries worldwide. If you are doing in-depth research on a topic and are considering requesting resources through Interlibrary Loan, WorldCat can help you discover resources that might not be in the Giovale Library collection.

Search WorldCat

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan is a service where patrons of one library can borrow books and other materials, and access journal articles that are owned by another library.

Explore Interlibrary Loan Materials

Utah Academic Library Consortium

Giovale Library participates in the Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC) and Westminster University students have reciprocal circulation privileges at UALC partner libraries. Each UALC library has different circulation policies, but all require a current, valid, legal photo identification and proof of current enrollment at Westminster University. Some libraries may also require other verification methods, so it is recommended that you contact the member library you are interested in for details.

Explore the Consortium

Popular Titles and Featured Texts

Database Management Systems book cover

Database Management Systems

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Intro to Database Management System book cover

R for Data Science

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Learning PostgreSQL 11

Learning PostgreSQL 11

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Business Ethics : A Stakeholder and Issues Management Approach

Measurement and Data Science

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book cover

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Marketing and Sales

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Find Articles

The Giovale Library provides access to a number of subject databases that you can use to find journal articles on topics within a specific discipline or field of study. The databases listed on this page are those that are most useful for finding research published in the field of data science.


GriffinSearch is a good starting place if you are looking for books, journal articles, films, and other material available in the library. In addition to searching the Giovale Library catalog for physical materials, GriffinSearch finds e-books and articles from several of our databases.

Search GriffinSearch

Google AI

Google AI compiles information and exercises to help you develop skills in machine learning.

Search Google AI


KDnuggets is a discussion and learning website for business analytics, data mining and data science.

Search KDnuggets 

Open Data Science 

Open Data Science is a community for big data practitioners.

Search Open Data Science

Find Data Sets

Git Hub 

GitHub provides mostly free publicly available data sets via GitHub.

Search GitHub Data Sets 


Kaggle is a data science competition platform and online community of data scientists and machine learning practitioners under Google LLC.

Search Kaggle

StackExchange Data Explorer 

Stack Exchange Data Explorer is an online tool for testing queries using data from the StackExchange pages.

Search StackExchange Data Explorer 

Citing Sources

Citation Resources

Properly citing your sources shows that you’ve done research to become knowledgeable about your topic and helps you avoid plagiarism. Explore citation resources to learn how to correctly cite sources based on style.

Need help with your research?

Get in touch with:

Spencer DeVilbiss Headshot

Spencer DeVilbiss

Liaison Librarian for Data Science

(801) 832-2255

Schedule a Consultation

Librarians are happy to answer questions via email, phone, or in-person.

Contact Spencer with a question or to schedule a research help appointment.

Faculty: Contact Spencer to suggest edits to this research guide.

Chat with a Librarian

Use the chat box to ask the library staff a question.