Study Abroad for Honors College Students
The Honors College offers a unique study abroad opportunity in partnership with the University of Glasgow, Scotland and the Principia Consortium. The University of Glasgow was founded in 1451 and is an internationally recognized institution with prestigious programs in the sciences and humanities. The program is situated in a historic yet thriving modern metropolis marked by thriving art, restaurant, and music scenes.
Complete an Elective Honors Seminar, The Scottish Enlightenment: Ideas and Influences
This course is reserved for Principia students to explore how major figures and ideas from the Scottish Enlightenment influence the modern world, and continue to be important in intellectual and cultural life in the 21st century. Interdisciplinary perspectives from art/aesthetics, religion, philosophy, politics/economics, science, and medicine will inform this course. The teaching approach is the traditional Oxbridge model of public lectures and small group seminars. Leading scholars will provide over-arching ideas in the public lectures, which are then further developed through discussions in small group seminars/tutorials. Cultural opportunities will also be made available in conjunction with the course, which includes a field trip to the scenic east coast of Scotland. Westminster University Honors students can apply this work to the core seminar requirement for the Honors certificate or degree.
Take an Additional Two–Three Courses in Your Major or Minor
The University of Glasgow has breadth and depth in its curriculum. All Honors at Glasgow students will have access to level three and some level four courses that are not usually available to other study abroad students. There is also a range of courses specifically for international students. For options, visit the Principia Consortium's course listings page.
Participate in Unique Opportunities
- Study at an internationally recognized university
- Immerse yourself culturally both inside and outside of the classroom
- Meet some of the 3,000 other international students at the University of Glasgow from 24 countries around the world
- Make friends with Honors students from consortium member institutions in the US
- Experience Scotland during arranged trips
- Travel in the UK and Europe
How to Apply
All Westminster Honors students in good standing who have completed at least three of the core Honors seminars prior to departure are eligible to apply, as long as their study-abroad semester is not their final term of university. The Consortium also requires students to have a 3.0 GPA at the time of the study-abroad experience.
Honors Study Abroad Application
Application Deadlines
Honors students may enroll either for Fall or Spring term. Internal application and subsequent Principia application deadlines (if your internal application is selected) are
- Fall Semester Study: Feb. 26 (internal application due) and May 1 (Principia application due)
- Spring Semester Study: Sept. 1 (internal application due) and Oct. 20 (Principia application due)
Instead of paying the usual Westminster tuition, students pay tuition directly to Glasgow, and Westminster's Honors College will provide accepted students with a scholarship of up to $6,000 (based on need) that can reduce tuition by up to about 60% (though exchange rates can always fluctuate). Students must pay the University of Glasgow for housing, which runs roughly commensurate with standard university housing costs (housing is referred to as "accommodation" in the UK. Do not list Wolfson Hall as one of your housing choices, as it is a 45 min. walk from campus).
Federal financial aid can be used to assist with these fees as well as offset other study-abroad-related expenses.
Richard Badenhausen, Ph.D
Dean, Honors College
Richard Badenhausen, Ph.D
- Dean, Honors College
Ph.D. University of Michigan Ann Arbor
M.A. University of Michigan Ann Arbor
B.A. Colgate University
View Directory ProfileSara Demko
Assistant Provost for Global Learning
Sara Demko
- Assistant Provost for Global Learning
M.A. Prescott College
B.A. Univ of Wisconsin - Stevens Pt
Email: sdemko@westminsteru.edu
View Directory ProfileFor more detailed information about the University of Glasgow and Principia, contact:
- Dr. Ronnie Young, Principia coordinator, ronnie.young@glasgow.ac.uk
- Roisin McAlpine at roisin.mcalpine@glasgow.ac.uk
- Study Abroad Team at abroad@admin.gla.ac.uk
- Colette McGowan, the Study Abroad coordinator at the University of Glasgow at c.mcgowan@admin.gla.ac.uk
Additional Resources
To learn more about Westminster Honors student experiences at Glasgow, read Sara McCaskey's blog.
After completing Westminster's internal application and receiving approval from Westminster's Honors College, complete the Principia Consortium at Glasgow's application form with guidance from the staff in the Office for Global Engagement (Walker One), who will nominate you for the Principia program.
If you are a Pell Grant recipient, consider applying for a Gilman Scholarship, which provides $3,000–$5,000 support for international study. Learn more about the Gilman Scholarship and consult the National Fellowships office for assistance on applying.
Contact the College with Your Questions
Honors College
Honors College