Academic Tutoring and Coaching
About Tutoring and Coaching
Free peer-to-peer tutoring is available in many subjects for current Westminster students. Tutors can help you with specific questions or general knowledge on a topic and are a great option for you to get the one-on-one support you need throughout your educational experience.
Tutors are fellow students (recommended by professors) who have excelled in what they are tutoring for that are available in the fall, spring, and summer semesters at various hours depending on the tutoring center.
Tutoring Centers

Gore School of Business Tutoring Center
The Business Tutoring Center offers free drop-in tutoring to all undergraduate students taking business courses. Business Tutoring Center tutors are successful business students who have been highly recommended by a professor and who have a desire to help fellow students understand business concepts.

Meldrum Science Coaching
Meldrum Science Coaching offers free, drop-in, and in-person coaching and tutoring. Coaches can help with classroom and laboratory assignments. The center can also be used as a place to gather for study groups. Coaches offer support with general chemistry and organic chemistry, among other subjects such as biology and neuroscience.

Math, Physics, and Computer Science Tutoring

Writing Center Tutoring
Tutors by Subject

Subject(s): French
Availability: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6–8:00 p.m.
Location: Giovale Library, Room 122

Subject(s): Music Theory, Music History, and Aural Skills
Availability: Tuesdays, 2–4:00 p.m., and Wednesdays, 2:30–5:00 p.m.
Location: Jewett Music Lounge

Subject(s): Spanish
Availability: Mondays, 4–5:00 p.m., and Tuesdays, 3–5:00 p.m.
Location: Writing Center

Subject(s): Physiology and Nursing Foundations I
Availability: By Appointment Only (sah1026@westminsteru.edu)
Westminster needs effective, patient, and timely communicators who have excelled in courses to serve as tutors, supplementing classroom instruction with individual study sessions and guiding students to appropriate resources and faculty when tutoring is insufficient. Tutoring is typically an ongoing commitment throughout the semester and you must meet with tutees on campus. Tutors are paid $9.50 an hour. You must have demonstrated competency in the course(s) you wish to tutor for through either course completion with an above-average grade or the recommendation of a course’s professor.