Web Request Form
Submit a web request to make updates to westminsteru.edu, campus directory, digital signs, and Formstack forms.
Meet the Web Team
Westminster University's web team produces westminsteru.edu and ensures all content, design, and functionality meet website and higher education standards for:
- Accessibility
- Content strategy
- Information architecture
- Privacy
- Readability
- Responsive design
- Search engine optimization
- Security
- Usability
- User experience (UX) design
- Westminster's brand identity
The central web team supports the institution as well as individual departments and programs without charge. Submit a web request to get your website project started. Contact a web team member with any questions or urgent needs.

Madalyn Breach
Web Developer and Designer

Laura Kendellen
Director, Web Strategy

Nicole Williams
Web Content Manager
If your department has PDFs or other files on the website, you must submit a web request with new files that include:
- The Westminster University PDF logo
- @westminsteru.edu email addresses
- westminsteru.edu website links
- "Westminster University" in text
You do not need to update past issues of newsletters, reports from specific time frames, meeting minutes, or other historical documents. You do need to update Excel forms, PDF forms, guides, policies, and other actively referenced documents.
The following instructions refer to "PDFs," but apply to any file hosted on westminstercollege.edu (e.g., PDF, Word, Excel, PPT files).
- Review your department’s webpages for PDFs and other files your content links to.
- Ask: Can this PDF be content on a webpage instead? Can it be a web form instead? Is it
still needed at all?
- Submit a web request to transition files into web content or web forms.
- You do not need to update newsletters, handbooks, and other files that were produced as Westminster University. You will just need to produce them as Westminster University starting July 1.
- Download Adobe Acrobat for free.
- If you can’t locate the original file within your department, download the PDF from
the website and edit it in Adobe Acrobat or convert it into a Word file.
- If you edit in Word, be sure to export your file as a PDF before submitting it to the web team.
- For the PDFs you’re keeping:
- Test links and ensure they are not producing a 404 error and that they are using the full URL (e.g., https://westminsteru.edu/academics/programs/nursing/index.html, not https://westminsteru.edu/nursing).
- Update links to westminsteru.edu webpages and files (e.g., other PDFs). Completely
replace all links to other files. (All file URLs should be https://westminsteru.edu/_resources/files/default-source/filename).
1. Open the webpage or file you want to link to on the website.
2. Copy the full URL from the browser address bar.
3. Relink the text in your PDF to the full URL.
4. Change "westminstercollege.edu" to "westminsteru.edu" in the link settings. - Replace “westminstercollege.edu” with “westminsteru.edu” in links and emails—be sure to update both the link text and the link URL.
- Replace “Westminster College" and "college" with "Westminster University" and "university" in text.
- Update the Westminster logo to the main university logo. MarComm is working on department logos for university, however, new department logos
will not be ready by the time your PDFs need to be updated.
- To comply with ADA requirements, do not use a document header and add “Westminster University logo” as the image’s alt text.
- Once added to a document, you can resize the logo smaller, but not bigger.
- The logo file provided is only intended for document use; there is a separate process for updating swag.
- Make sure your files meet ADA requirements by running accessibility checkers:
- Save your PDFs with the exact same filename that they currently have on the website (e.g., if your PDF's URL is currently https://westminstercollege.edu/_resources/files/default-source/global-learning/study-abroad/nursing-study-abroad5eee.pdf, save your updated PDF as nursing-study-abroad5eee.pdf).
- Create a SharePoint folder for all of your new, final PDFs and copy the shareable folder link OR create a zip file:
- Submit a “File Upload or Update” web request and provide the SharePoint folder URL or attach your zip file.
Updating Undergraduate Programs
- Deans appoint a program page advisor, which may or may not be the program director.
- That program page advisor is expected to submit any necessary changes to the web team via web request. The admissions counselor for undergraduate programs in the School of Nursing and Health Sciences will also be involved in content development.
- If the web team receives a request to update a program page from someone other than the advisor, they will loop the advisor into those changes.
- The web team weighs in on accessibility, web writing style, SEO, and other areas of web expertise, and then publishes changes.
The web team also collaborates with Admissions on updating application deadlines and requirements, events, and other information specific to admissions.
Updating Graduate Programs
- Admissions counselors work directly with program directors/page advisors on program page changes using a template created with the web team, and provide their agreed-upon changes to the web team via web request.
- The web team weighs in on accessibility, web writing style, SEO, and other areas of web expertise, and then publishes changes.
Program Page Templates
Both undergraduate and graduate program pages are templated to create consistency for prospective students comparing programs and to ease the updating process. While the general layout and types of information included on program pages should typically not change, the web team does welcome suggestions for improving the content provided to students.