The Classical Greek Theatre Festival (the oldest Greek theatre festival in the country) is an annual theatrical event created to introduce and sustain the appreciation of ancient Greek theatre throughout Utah communities and campuses. Recent festivals have featured performances of Herakles and Ion by Euripides and Women of Trachis by Sophocles.
The festival is presented by the Westminster Theatre Arts program.
Educator Resources
Founded in 1971, the Classical Greek Theatre Festival is committed to producing classical Greek dramas to provide the unique educational opportunity to appreciate these ancient plays in action on stage. CGTF is constantly working to grow our educational resources and put them in the hands of teachers, students, and life-long learners to augment our performances.
Library Special Collection
The Giovale Library at Westminster College houses a special collection of almost 100 titles relating to ancient Greek drama and history that are available for check-out by campus and community members alike.
Archive Recordings
The Classical Greek Theatre Festival has made archival recordings of past productions available to view for your enjoyment and education. Browse the full collection, and be sure to share your thoughts in the comments sections.
Upcoming Performances
Check out all upcoming performing arts events.
Past Festival Performances
View the dramaturgical information from past performances.