Black Excellence is a student-led, administratively supported initiative through Student Engagement and Belonging. Black Excellence serves our black, student population on Westminster's campus and offers events open to all of Westminster's campus.

This initiative aims to develop racial identity and build community within the Westminster campus. We host meetings, events, workshops, and more where attendees can share in fellowship and participate in intersectional dialogues around topics such as race within higher education, safety, power, privilege, community, and black excellence within and outside of our own Westminster community. Black Excellence seeks to build community through the shared interest and/or identity of blackness.

Have questions? Email for more information.

Black Excellence Coordinators

Betty's headshot

Betty Kalunga


  • Major: Theater (BFA emphasis in acting) 
  • Minor: Philosophy 
  • Hobbies: Reading, filming YouTube and TikTok videos, and hiking 
  • Languages: English and Swahili 
  • Fun Fact: Loves rings and perfume 
Leya's headshot

Leya Sikujua Jeanneveva


  • Major: Sociology Social Worker and Social Welfare concentration 
  • Minor: Political Science 
  • Hobbies: Reading
  • Languages: Swahili, French, Kibembe, Kirundi, and English 
  • Fun Fact: Loves to sing in private 



Black Excellence organizes and holds a variety of events throughout the semester, including, but not limited to, pizza socials, dialogues of race within higher education, invited guest speakers, film screenings, and more.