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ASW Clubs

Join one of the many clubs on campus. Don't see one you're interested in? Start one!

ASW Clubs

We have clubs for many different interests, making it extremely easy to get involved. If there is not a club that fits what you are looking for you can start a new one.

If you are a student involved in any recognized ASW Clubs that exposes you to, but not limited to, physical contact or active events (such as an athletic and recreational club), you are required to complete an online waiver prior to your active engagement.

Complete the Waiver

Submit a Civic Engagement Project Report

Ongoing Club Funding Request


The chemistry club is a nationally recognized club that participates in community events with high schools and elementary schools in the region.

Club President(s): McGuire Conely, Sarah Walker

Club President: Alicia Kuhlmann

Club President: Sofia Nyquist

Club President: Sam Metzler

Club Presidents: Alicia Kuhlman

Hillel for Utah strives to create an inclusive and powerful connection to Jewish life. Grounded in Jewish values, we foster a vibrant, open community with responsibility to enhance the world and to shape the Jewish future. Hillel for Utah serves students on Westminster, the University of Utah and Salt Lake Community College Campuses.

Club President: Aimee Klein

Club President: Kylie Palmer

InterVarsity is a non-denominational Christian club where students are able to come together to explore who Jesus is in a safe place. Our goal is to love the campus of Westminster while learning to love each other. Although it is a Christian fellowship, anyone is welcomed to join the fellowship. Activities include weekly gatherings, Bible studies, retreats, leadership trainings, outreach events, etc.

Club President: Henry Cecil

LatinX provides opportunity to meet others of Latin American background and who may share a common culture. We encourage unapologetic and accountable spaces in order to build our community on campus. We strive to nourish education around identity and lived experience. All are welcomed and encouraged to share space.
Much like BSU, we hope to collaborate with and support other ethnic/ identity-based clubs on campus.

Club President: Paulina Martinez-Koury

Club President: Reese Gorey

Club President: Malina Pacheco

It shall be the purpose of PHAT to promote public health awareness and provide relationship strengthening opportunities for club participants and service to the community.

Club President: Addison Scanlon

PPHS is for students looking to apply to professional health programs, including medical, dental, pharmacy, PT, and others. PPHS events focus on providing advice and opportunities for students that will help put them one step closer to their career in healthcare.

Club President(s): Courtney McAlindon, Amanda Lee

A club where we discuss and learn philosophical ideas and concepts.

Please Contact the ASW Clubs President for this club

The Psychology Club is dedicated to encouraging critical thinking, global awareness, and deeper understanding of psychology and neuroscience.

Club President: T. Masami Tadehara

The purpose of this association is to provide the residents of Westminster University with representation, participatory government and an accommodating atmosphere within the hall community. The association shall be dedicated to the promotion of harmony, diversity and a more enriching university experience through the intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth of the resident students. RHA shall be dedicated to listening to feedback from residents and implementing any necessary changes.

Rotaract is a service-oriented club that gets involved in local and international service projects.

Club President: Jared Masih

Club President: JP Wilson

The ski and snowboard club of Westminster University exists to grow the ski and snowboard community of our school and the Salt Lake area, working to SHARE THE SHRED.

Club President: Brayden Bartlett

It shall be the purpose of SNOW to provide a community for nursing students, brown bag lunch events with speakers on special topics in healthcare, mentoring opportunities for the transition into nursing school, community outreach and volunteer opportunities and increased communication between nursing students and the Westminster student body. Student Nurse of Westminster (SNOW) shall be dedicated to assisting nursing students and those who are interested in health or nursing to learn more about the community that surrounds nursing as a profession, a variety of health care topics, community engagement, as well as assist with an easier transition into the nursing program.

Please Contact the ASW Clubs President for this club

We are the Physics club which is a national affiliation. We encourage young minds to join the physical sciences through events that portray physics and other sciences.

Club President(s): Cordelia Latham

Students United for Reproductive Freedom pushes students to become empowered in their reproductive health choices, the community of Salt Lake City, and local government change. Students United for Reproductive Freedom shall be dedicated to working in conjunction with Planned Parenthood Action Council of Utah, we believe in the fundamental rights of every individual, throughout the world, to manage their fertility, regardless of the individual’s income, marital status, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, national origin, or residence. We believe that respect and value for diversity in all aspects of our organization are essential to our well-being. We believe that reproductive self-determination must be voluntary and preserve the individual’s right to privacy. We further believe that such self-determination will contribute to an enhancement of the quality of life and strong family relationships.

Club President: Nick Lockhart-Allen

We are a club that celebrates theatre and creates fun, campus-wide events for anyone who wants to join!

Club President: Gail Wright

The aim of this club is to encourage more female Westminster students to join the computer science field by organizing programming workshops, computer science career information sessions, and other engaging events.

Club President: Lian Xue

Join a Club

If you’re interested in joining a club, feel free to reach out to the club president listed under the club description. If you have any other questions about clubs or want to learn more, please email the Clubs President at

Start a Club

Come visit the ASW office in Shaw and we can walk you through the process. Once you’ve created your club, ASW is here to help with advertising and has applications available for funding opportunities!

What to Expect

Process outlined below ideally requires 2 weeks:

  1. Fill out a Club Proposal Form.
    – You’ll need 8 students’ names to support your idea and a potential advisor.
  2. Send the proposal to the ASW Clubs President, or leave the proposal on the Clubs President’s desk in the ASW Office.
  3. The proposal is provided to the Clubs Board to makes sure it aligns with the ASW Clubs Handbook.
  4. Approval or Suggestion for Revision occurs.
  5. When approved, the proposal is sent to the ASW Chief Justice.
  6. ASW Judicial confirms that it aligns with the ASW Constitution.
  7. Approval or Suggestion for Revision occurs.

Not part of two-week estimate:

  • Last Step! Founder must join a Clubs Body meeting with all club leaders on campus where the current club leaders must approve the proposal by a simple majority.

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