Banner with text "Westminster: In Our Words. An Oral History Project"

Oral History Project

About the Oral History Project

As Westminster transitions to Westminster University in 2023, it’s the perfect time to gather stories and celebrate Westminster’s nearly 150-year legacy. Westminster's Alumni Relations Office is partnering with Publishing Concepts Inc. (PCI) to produce an oral history publication to record and celebrate Westminster’s impact on our lives and who we are today.

This project gives alumni, faculty emeriti, staff emeriti, and trustee emeriti the opportunity to share your personal experiences from your time at Westminster and how the school helped shape your life since then. We’re excited to hear about your memories of your time on campus; unique and memorable stories from across Westminster’s community are key to the project’s success.

In early 2024, the completed publication will be available to the Westminster community and in two formats: an online collection and a coffee table book. The book will be available to purchase through PCI. You can preorder a book when you share your story over with phone with PCI.

Although we'll update your contact information while recording your stories, this project is not intended to create an alumni directory—it's a non-fiction project that captures your stories for future generations.

About PCI

Publishing Concepts Inc. (PCI) is a family-owned business based in Dallas, Texas that has published directories for educational institutions, fraternities, sororities, and military organizations across the country for more than 100 years. 

Supporting Westminster

  • Engagement – updating your contact information helps Westminster share updates and events with you
  • Legacy – sharing and collecting stories preserves Westminster's history
  • Pride – sharing your story shows support and love for Westminster

What to Expect

Starting in March 2023, you’ll receive emails and postcards from PCI inviting you to share your story and update your contact information. The PCI team will collect stories until September 8, 2023.

The postcard and emails will include 2 invitations: 

  • An invitation to update and verify your contact information to strengthen the alumni network and to keep you updated on the latest developments at Westminster
  • An invitation to share your Westminster experience and your fondest memories from your time at Westminster

Postcard Example

front of postcard
back of postcard

How to Participate

The deadline to share your story is September 8, 2023.

To share your story:

  • Over the phone: Call the number on your postcard or in your email to speak with a dedicated representative for the oral history project. The representative will confirm your consent to share your story, verify your contact information, record your story about your time at Westminster, and help you preorder a book. Your story will be audio-recorded and later typed for use in the book.
  • Online: Follow the link in your email or the URL on the postcard to review your information and submit a typed story to PCI.

  • With a hearing or speech challenge: If you would like to participate and are hearing or speech impaired, email PCI at to receive a personalized link to share your written story and photo.

  • Without a postcard or email: If you did not receive a postcard or email, call the dedicated Westminster update line at 855.376.1937.

To provide your photo:

  • Follow the link in an email you'll receive to upload one photo (black and white or color) and a caption.
  • If you don't have an email on file, you will receive a mailer to send a physical photo to PCI to be printed in the book. The photo will be returned to you if you include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

To cancel a book order, contact PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 800.982.1590.

Preparing Your Westminster Story

You’ll tell your story in your own words, but here are some ideas to consider:

  • Is there a faculty or staff member who profoundly impacted your life?
  • What were your favorite classes?
  • What’s your favorite memory from your time on campus?
  • Were you on an athletic team, or did you play a sport?
  • What was your favorite tradition when you were on campus?
  • Did you meet your sweetheart at Westminster?
  • Is there a defining moment at Westminster that helped shape your future?
  • Have connections you made on campus turned into lifelong friendships?
  • Were you on campus during a historical moment?

Protecting Your Personal Information

The only information included in the publication is your name, class year, degree, story, and photo. No contact information is printed. Verifying your contact information with PCI will only ensure you receive information about the Westminster oral history project and update your alumni record with Westminster.

You can revoke consent for your story and/or photo to appear in the book any time before September 8, 2023 by contacting PCI’s customer service helpdesk at 800.982.1590 or emailing

Any personal information you share with PCI will be held confidential, except to the extent that they are utilized in, or in the preparation of, the oral history project and except as required by court order or law.