Resident Advisors
Resident advisors (RAs) oversee approximately 35 students living on each residence hall floor. These peer leaders work hard to provide a safe and secure environment in the residence halls and build a positive social environment for residents.
Apply to be an RA
Applications open January 17, 2024, and close February 18, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
Contact Residence Life (801.832.2245 or housing@westminsteru.edu) with any questions.
- January 17: Applications open
- March 17: Applications close (5:00 p.m.)
- March 20-24: Individual interviews
To be considered as a resident advisor candidate, an applicant must:
- Have 2 completed semesters by the time of employment (fall 2023)
- Be a full-time student status during the period of employment
- Hold a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA
- Pass Conduct Records review—conduct history does not automatically prevent candidates from becoming an RA
- Be able to complete INTR 200A: Exploring Student Leadership
- Accommodations are possible for valid educational conflicts.
- Ability to attend all training sessions:
- Fall training: August 10–23, 2023 (subject to change)
- Ability to assist in New Student Orientation (2023)
- Ability to complete January Resident Advisor training (2024)
The resident advisor is a live-in role model for the behavior of other students in the residence halls, performs duties assigned in a responsible manner, and works as a team member to help Residence Life staff.
The resident advisor is responsible for communicating college procedures and policies through floor meetings and frequent individual contact. The resident advisor is also responsible for establishing the quality of the living environment throughout the residence hall. RAs help promote each resident’s educational, social, and cultural development through communication, discipline, and advisement in group living. As a student employee of the institution, the resident advisor, having reviewed, understood, and accepted the rules and regulations of the residence halls and Westminster University, will implement and reinforce rules related to housing policy and objectives.
The resident advisor is also responsible for executing assigned administrative tasks, including educational programming, promoting campus events, establishing interpersonal and inter-staff relationships, and participating in resident advisor training sessions and meetings.
Resident advisors must perform the following administrative tasks:
- Any duties assigned by the director and coordinators for Residence Life
- Communicate college policies to residents through floor meetings and frequent individual contact
- Establish the quality of the living environment throughout the residence hall
- Help promote the college's campus culture of educational, social, and cultural development
- Assist each resident through communication, discipline, and advisement in group living
Resident advisors also focus on building community within the halls, supporting residents, and helping ensure the halls are safe and secure. The primary ways this is completed include a minimum of 8–10 hours a week completing some of the following tasks:
- Regularly
- Check-ins with residents
- Provide information about student resources and events
- Assisting residents
- Program planning
- Program hosting
- Performing duty (1–2 shifts per week)
- Bi-weekly
- Host community hours
- Individual meetings with supervisors
- Staff meetings
- Monthly
- Attend in-services
- Intermittently
- Host floor meetings (3–4 times per semester)
- Health and safety inspections (2 times per semester)
- Complete Room Condition Reports and Roommate Agreement Forms
- Assist with fire safety drills (1–2 times per semester)
- Opening and closing of the residence halls
Residence Life is excited about this process and hopes you share that enthusiasm. The following information is a guide for the interview process to become an RA.
Interview Preparation
It is essential to understand what the resident advisor position entails.
Preparation involves homework about the resident advisor position. If you have done your homework, then you will be more comfortable and relaxed. Residence Life suggests applications review the following resources:
- The RA job description (this can be picked up in Residence Life in Carleson Hall)
- Current RAs
- Talk to current RAs and find out what it is like to be a resident advisor.
Think about questions you may want to ask before the interview and reflect on why you want to be an RA. However, do not fall into the trap of responding how you think the interviewers want you to respond. Remember, there is no such thing as a cookie-cutter RA. Residence Life seeks various personalities for this position to accommodate a variety of students living on campus.
Application, Resume, and Interview Assistance
Residence Life recommends the Career Center for various resources such as cover letter and resume development, interview preparation, and personal branding. Utilize the center’s resources or schedule an in-person, phone, or virtual appointment. Career coaches are available for help with the application process or to conduct a mock interview.
Establish Your Strengths
Figure out what you offer as an applicant in terms of your experiences, strengths, and areas of growth. For example, consider your education, summer jobs, hobbies, clubs, residence hall activities, and personal aspirations.
Desired Applicant Qualities
Considerate of Time
Be aware of the length of the interview. Interviewers need to gather enough information to make specific assessments about your ability to do the job. Interviews only last approximately 30 minutes.
Personality Traits
Interviewers will be looking at general traits, such as the ability to communicate, basic social skills, personal qualities, and general personality.
One of the most important goals for interviewers is to find out exactly what you want and why. Consider the following questions:
- Why are you applying for the resident advisor position?
- What do you want to accomplish?
- What do you hope to get out of the role?
Interviewers look at your current skills concerning the resident advisor position. Identify your skills and compare them to the job description. More importantly, ask yourself if you, the candidate, possess the willingness and the potential to learn more about yourself and develop additional skills.