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Business Research Guide

  • Find Background Info
  • Find Books and Films
  • Find Articles
  • Find Data
  • Citing Sources

Find Background Info

Background sources, such as specialized encyclopedias and dictionaries, are an essential piece of the research process. They can help you:

  • Gather information about your topic and understand the scope of the research.
  • Locate reliable sources and clarify keywords.
  • Pinpoint important authors, texts, ideas, and key words about the research area—knowing what the primary phrases and concepts are will help you a lot as you are searching library databases and online sources.

Business Collection (Gale)

A comprehensive business resource for the undergraduate researcher seeking company news or personal investment decisions. Business Collection provides full-text coverage of all business disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, management and strategy, as well as business theory and practice.

Search Business Collection (Gale)

Credo Reference

Credo Reference is multi-publisher collection of high-quality reference titles covering everything from the arts to astronomy, law to literature, and science to Shakespeare. The collection currently contains over 162 titles taken from 36 different reference publishers and more titles are being added. Available titles also include a range of multimedia options including thousands of high-quality diagrams, photographs, maps, and audio files.

Business, Finance and Economics Books in Credo

Search Credo Reference

Find Books and Films

Print and e-books are valuable sources for academic research. They will help you gain an overview of your topic and often contain in-depth information about the scholarship or history of research on a subject. Some books are written by single authors, while others include essays or chapters by multiple scholars within a discipline. Don’t let the length of books intimidate you because you don’t need to read them from cover to cover. Look at the table of contents and index to find the sections that are relevant to your work.

Find Books Using GriffinSearch

GriffinSearch is a good starting place if you are looking for books, journal articles, films, and other materials available in the library. In addition to searching the Giovale Library catalog for physical materials, GriffinSearch finds e-books and articles from several of our databases. To get started, search by keyword or type in the title of a book here:

Academic Videos Online (AVON)

AVON provides unlimited access to a comprehensive selection of videos curated for the educational experience.

Search Academic Videos Online

Videos about Business


WorldCat lets you search for books, articles, videos, and other material that are available in libraries worldwide. If you are doing in-depth research on a topic and are considering requesting resources through Interlibrary Loan, WorldCat can help you discover resources that might not be in the Giovale Library collection.

Search WorldCat

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

Interlibrary Loan is a service where patrons of one library can borrow books and other materials, and access journal articles that are owned by another library.

Explore Interlibrary Loan Materials

Utah Academic Library Consortium

Giovale Library participates in the Utah Academic Library Consortium (UALC) and Westminster University students have reciprocal circulation privileges at UALC partner libraries. Each UALC library has different circulation policies, but all require a current, valid, legal photo identification and proof of current enrollment at Westminster. Some libraries may also require other verification methods, so it is recommended that you contact the library you are interested in for details.

Explore the Consortium

Popular Titles and Featured Texts

No-Excuses Innovation : Strategies for Small- and Medium-Sized Mature Enterprises

No-Excuses Innovation : Strategies for Small- and Medium-Sized Mature Enterprises

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Better Business: How the B Corp Movement Is Remaking Capitalism

Better Business: How the B Corp Movement Is Remaking Capitalism

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Strategy as Leadership : Facing Adaptive Challenges in Organizations

Strategy as Leadership : Facing Adaptive Challenges in Organizations

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Small Business Management and Control of the Uncertain External Environment

Small Business Management and Control of the Uncertain External Environment

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Find Articles

The Giovale Library provides access to a number of subject databases that you can use to find journal articles on topics within a specific discipline or field of study. The databases listed on this page are those that are most useful for finding research published in the field of business.


GriffinSearch is a good starting place if you are looking for books, journal articles, films, and other material available in the library. In addition to searching the Giovale Library catalog for physical materials, GriffinSearch finds e-books and articles from several of our databases.

Search GriffinSearch

ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)

ABI/INFORM Collection features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as The Economist and Sloan Management Review, country-and industry-focused reports, and major news sources like the Wall Street Journal. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.

Search ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)

Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection (ProQuest)

Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection (ProQuest) brings together highly ranked global and scholarly journals with other key resources for locating quick and precise results covering current news and topics, as well as the trends and history influencing important financial issues of the day. Subjects covered include accounting, auditing, banking industry, banks, finance, financial governance, financial institutions, insurance, investment, real estate, risk management, financial law, and tax management.

Search Accounting, Tax and Banking Collection (ProQuest)

Asian and European Business Collection (ProQuest)

Asian and European Business Collection (ProQuest) covers the Asian and European financial and commercial information from the most important international publications. The database offers access to academic journals, newspapers, news agencies, and magazines. It also includes quality resources such as The Economist, Fortune, and European Business Journal.

Search Asian and European Business Collection (ProQuest)

Canadian Business and Current Affairs Database (ProQuest)

Canadian Business and Current Affairs (CBCA) Database (ProQuest) is Canada’s most comprehensive and diverse full-text online database. It includes scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, reports, radio/television transcripts, news, dissertations, and more. Delivering a broad range of coverage from a Canadian perspective, it spans topics like agriculture, business/economics, education, government and politics, health sciences, history, literature, medical sciences, social sciences, and more.

Search Canadian Business and Current Affairs Database (ProQuest)


HeinOnline is a legal research collection of current and historical materials, including full-text law journals and texts; U.S. laws, regulations, cases and Congressional materials; international treaties and constitutions, foreign and comparative law materials, United Nations and League of Nations publications.

Search HeinOnline

Find Data

If you’re searching for public company financials or specific industry information, try the resources below. For private company financials or information, try searching ABI/INFORM Collection and Business Source Premier to piece together company financials; private companies do not have to report their financials and therefore it is rare to find private company financials in one report.

Mergent Intellect

Mergent Intellect features detailed, accurate and comprehensive global company and industry information. Insider Tip: use the company tab or industry tab to find respective information.

Search Mergent Intellect

ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)

In addition to journal articles, ABI/INFORM Collection also provides researchers with up-to-date company and industry information. Insider Tip: for company information enter the name of the company in the “Company/organization:” field or select “Look up Companies/organizations” -- for industry information enter your industry keywords in the main search box and select “Industry Report” from the “Document Type” field.

Search ABI/INFORM Collection (ProQuest)

Business Market Research Collection (ProQuest)

Business Market Research Collection (ProQuest) provides users with Hoover's Company Profiles, which contains protected information on public and private companies, and executives. Hoover's offers market analysis, business location information, financial summaries, information on top competitors, senior officials and much more. Business Market Research Collection also contains Ox Research, which has summary articles highlighting regional economic and political development from a network of researchers at leading universities and think-tanks. It also offers Snapshots with introductions to market research on market sectors and countries.

Search Business Market Research Collection (ProQuest)

Citing Sources

Citation Resources

Properly citing your sources shows that you’ve done research to become knowledgeable about your topic and helps you avoid plagiarism. Explore citation resources to learn how to correctly cite sources based on style.


Need help with your research?

Get in touch with:

Emily Swanson

Emily Swanson

Liaison Librarian for Business


Librarians are happy to answer questions via email, phone, or in-person.

Contact Emily with a question or to schedule a research help appointment.

Faculty: Contact Emily to suggest edits to this research guide.

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