Staff Retreat
Staff Retreat is a time for Westminster staff members to learn from one another and enjoy our community. Staff are encouraged to attend all or part of the day’s events, which include professional and personal development sessions, lunch, outdoor group activities, an awards ceremony, and a reception.
Professional and Personal Development Sessions
Staff Retreat provides an opportunity for staff to lead and learn in both professional and personal development sessions. Share your expertise or excitement about a skill, hobby, or work or life hack with your colleagues.
- Professional development sessions should offer staff members an opportunity to learn or develop job-related skills.
- Personal development sessions might include wellness activities, learning new hobbies or skills, or any other activity or practice focused on individual wellness and development.
If you have any questions about leading a session, reach out to the chair of the Professional Development Committee.
Staff Council Member Nominations
Staff Council members serve for 2 years with an optional third year. All staff eligible
for membership may be part of the election process. You can nominate yourself or a
You are eligible to run for election if you:
- Are a part-time or full-time staff member of Westminster University
- Do not hold full-time faculty status
- Are not a member of the President's Leadership Council or Cabinet
- Are in good standing with the university
An election will be held if there are more nominations than open seats on the council.