
​​Study Spanish and be an intern, student, or volunteer in:

  • Language learning
  • Girls' and LGBTQ youth empowerment through sports
  • Food Justice & Environment
  • Women's and children's rights​

snow capped mountain range in Argentina

aerial view of Buenos Aires, Capital of Argentina

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Spanish Language Learning in Buenos Aires

Enter a city that never sleeps, with countless bars, cafés, museums, and cultural events. Sexy and incredibly nocturnal, this amazing city will have you craving more and more.

​IPSL's partners in Argentina offer exemplary Spanish language instruction in an ideal learning environment and modern facilities. Our lively classes include topical conversations on food, art, music, and of course... fútbol.

Our Spanish school in Buenos Aires opens the door to a whole new continent. More than a place, you'll discover a new side of yourself. Engage with the local language and culture. Take a stroll across the city, stay up through the night, or dance the tango. Travel with us. You’ll feel at ease, meet friends — and fall in love with Buenos Aires!

Every journey needs preparation and the right tools. If you want to travel through Argentina and Latin America, you’ll need to make sure your Spanish is up to the task! That’s where our intensive Spanish courses come in. They immerse you in the language from day one, with 20 lessons a week. You’ll learn the grammar basics, of course, but also regionalisms and local vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and unique turns of phrase. Our dedicated and experienced teachers will get you speaking and thinking like a local. So that, on your South American trek, you can both walk the walk and talk the talk. Sign up for our intensive Spanish courses and begin your journey.

Service-Learning, Fieldwork, and Research Options in Buenos Aires

IPSL’s Spanish language participants in Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA can now provide volunteer Service and/or Fieldwork with an organization that aims to make sports programs in Buenos Aires more inclusive of the LBGTQ+ community. Their focus is using sporting programs (soccer, volleyball, etc...) as a tool for social inclusion and, thus, help to build a more fair and integrated society both on and off the pitch. There are opportunities to help develop, market, and integrate these teams into the mainstream.

IPSL also partners with resource scare, marginalized communities (called "Villa Miserias" or "Villas") working with community based organizations providing a variety of social services, education, health care, youth programming and more.

Here are some of the ways IPSL participants have contributed to empowering communities through volunteering:

  • ​Supporting a sports organization (nonprofit) focused on empowering the LGBTQ community
  • Collaboration with the development of the Little Football School
  • Education and advice on body care, healthy eating and habits
  • Preparation of nutritional plans for the dining room for boys, girls, youth, adults and seniors
  • Yoga, stretching, meditation and breathing practices for the volunteers who collaborate with a Foundation's tasks
  • Organization of a community library
  • Participation in the setting up of a Cultural Centre and collaboration with their steady- staff Orchestra
  • Work in a Clothes-making workshop for poor Porteños
  • Hydroponic garden
  • Bakery

Contribute to the education and empowerment of vulnerable and marginalized communities in Argentina. Use your power for good to serve others. This isn't charity; this is community-based learning where you will reflect on your role as a guest, a listener, and a thoughtful partner in community-based learning settings. In the process, you can contribute to on-going work that locals have designed and implemented. You'll be stepping into a running stream where others have come before you. Trust will learn a lot about yourself and gain perspectives that will help you throughout your life.

Meet Judith, the IPSL Program Director in Argentina

Judith is a lawyer and a lecturer of international law. For many years, she has been working with NGOs, youth institutions, international organizations, and companies from different countries in socio-community projects and Solidarity Service Learning . Her postgraduate and master's specialization is related to Human Development. She lives in Buenos Aires and collaborates on projects and exchanges with different countries in multicultural environments. Since 2021, she has been running the IPSL Program in Argentina, focused on service-learning experiences related to sports for girls, LGBTQ youth and people in marginalized communities.



Our partners are open year-round and start dates vary. Inquire with IPSL about your options. We are flexible with the start date and the duration of every program. Please email us ( as we can customize to most any schedule, budget and interests.

What's Included

  • Tuition and academic fees
  • Instructional materials
  • Lodging and partial board
  • On-site orientation and pre-departure materials
  • On-site support 24/7
  • Service-learning placement & oversight (if applicable)
  • Emergency medical and evacuation insurance
  • Official, U.S.-based academic transcript
  • Airport transfers (roundtrip)
  • Excursions (if requested)
  • Registration and Placement Fees
  • Lodging: Homestay (including breakfast)
  • Lodging: Shared flat

What's NOT Included

  • International airfare (can be included upon request)
  • Passport/visa expenses
  • Independent travel
  • Local transportation
  • Some meals
  • Cell phone expense
  • Personal spending money


IPSL's mission is to engage students, educators, and grassroots organizations around the world in hands-on service to promote equitable relationships, social justice, sustainable change, and a commitment to our shared humanity.
