Financial Aid
No amount can define the value of a university education. You are making an investment of time and money in yourself—one that will help you charge ahead, generate new ideas, and transform the world. Financial aid opportunities are available to help make a private Westminster University education accessible. Westminster pledges to make your educational experience as affordable as possible.
The Financial Aid Process

Apply for Admissions
Submit your application whenever you're ready.
You'll automatically be considered for merit scholarships.

Complete FAFSA
Westminster's FAFSA School Code: 003681
This qualifies you for federal and need-based aid.
Multiple criteria, including having a high school diploma or GED, need to be met to be eligible to receive federal grants or loans.

Apply for Additional Scholarships
Locate and apply for external scholarships through foundations and organizations.
Next Steps
After you apply for admission, complete your FAFSA, and apply for scholarships, ensure all outstanding documents are received and you meet the requirements for financial aid.
Your tuition, fully paid
All students should have the ability to explore their passions. Westminster University is proud to cover the cost of tuition for qualifying students through the Westminster Commitment.
International Students
As a private institution, Westminster University maintains the same tuition rates for domestic and international students and offers many of the same financial aid programs. These programs are intended to help qualified students attend Westminster University, regardless of where you come from.
Veteran Students
Westminster students are eligible to apply for VA education benefits, including the GI Bill and Military Tuition Assistance.
Cost of Attendance
Figuring out your university expenses goes beyond tuition; it starts with determining the total cost of your attendance each year. Check out Westminster's tuition and fees and food and housing costs or use the net price calculator.
We’re here to help.
Understanding the financial aid process can be overwhelming. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Financial Aid Office
Financial Aid Office
Or you can submit a question online.