Tuition, room and board, and other special fees are due in full on the first day of the month a semester begins, unless a payment plan has been set up. Students unable to make the full payment must make other arrangements with Student Account Services by the first day of each semester.

Westminster offers a full range of financial aid opportunities—merit-based and income-based scholarships, grants, loans, and Federal Work-Study—to help make a Westminster education more accessible.

Each semester is billed according to the number of credit hours you're registered for in that semester. Waitlisted classes are not billed until you are officially added to the class.

Full-time registration is 12 or more credits in a semester. Westminster scholarships and federal student aid usually require full-time enrollment.

For each credit above 16, there is an additional charge of $1,638 per credit hour for tuition. See the following tuition and fees chart for a complete breakdown by credit hour of total semester charges. Additional fees may apply for certain classes including, but not limited to, nursing, education, photography, and private music lessons.

Enrolled Semester Hours Tuition HWAC Fee Student Activity Fee Publication Fee Ellipsis Fee Myriad Fee Environmental Fee Technology Fee Total Semester Charge for Tuition and Fees
1 $1,704 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,704
2 $3,408 $0 $29 $6 $2 $1 $2 $68 $3,516
3 $5,112 $0 $29 $6 $2 $1 $2 $68 $5,220
4 $6,816 $0 $29 $6 $2 $1 $2 $68 $6,924
5 $8,520 $0 $29 $6 $2 $1 $2 $68 $8,628
6 $10,224 $0 $29 $6 $2 $1 $2 $68 $10,332
7 $11,928 $0 $42 $6 $2 $1 $2 $101 $12,082
8 $13,632 $0 $42 $6 $2 $1 $2 $101 $13,786
9 $15,336 $0 $42 $6 $2 $1 $2 $101 $15,490
10 $17,040 $0 $42 $6 $2 $1 $2 $101 $17,194
11 $18,744 $0 $42 $6 $2 $1 $2 $101 $18,898
12–16 $20,448 $60 $55 $6 $2 $1 $2 $134 $20,708
17 $22,152 $60 $55 $6 $2 $1 $2 $134 $22,412
18 $23,856 $60 $55 $6 $2 $1 $2 $134 $24,116
19 $25,560 $60 $55 $6 $2 $1 $2 $134 $25,820
20 $27,264 $60 $55 $6 $2 $1 $2 $134 $27,524

Programs with Special Pricing

Some undergraduate programs are priced at a per credit hour cost instead of the standard undergraduate tuition and fees.

Program Name Cost Total Credit Hours Total Estimated Tuition Fees
Bachelor of Business Administration (low-residency with online components) $500 per credit hour

Varies with prior learning assessment.*

Varies with prior learning assessment. None
RN-to-BS in Nursing (online components) $500 per credit hour Varies with accepted transfer credits. Varies with accepted transfer credits. Some classes have a $11 per semester Nursing Malpractice Insurance Fee that is charged the semester you are registered for a course that requires it.

* Before any credits potentially earned through a prior learning assessment, each of the 5 project sequences in the Bachelor of Business Administration program consist of 12 credit hours (totaling 60 credit hours for all sequences).

Course Audits

The tuition charge for auditing a course is $852 per credit hour for undergraduate programs. No student activity fees are assessed for audits. The technology fee will apply to classes being audited, but no student activity fees or publication fees are assessed.

If you're going to live on campus, you'll need to review the residence hall application process.


Residence Fall Semester Spring Semester Year
Traditional-Style Double (Hogle and Carleson Halls) $3,358 $3,358 $6,716
Apartment-Style Single (Olwell, Behnken, and Stock Halls) $4,280 $4,280 $8,560


Residential Students

Residential students are required to purchase meal plans while living on campus. Residential students purchase their meal plans through Residence Life using the eRezLife portal.

Meal plan accommodations for medical reasons may be requested through Student Disability Services. Meal plan accommodations for religious or cultural reasons may be requested through the Dean of Students Office.

Learn more about Campus Dining

Meal Plan Options (Mandatory Selection) Who It's For Fall Semester Spring Semester Total
Gold Meal Plan All students. This plan is recommended for first-year students and averages 2 meals per day. $2,430 $2,430 $4,860
Purple Meal Plan All students. $1,923 $1,923 $3,846
Copper Meal Plan Juniors, seniors, graduate, and commuter students only. $1,575 $1,575 $3,150

Remaining meal plan balances for currently enrolled students carry forward from fall to spring semester and from spring semester through May Term (first 4 weeks of summer term). Meal plan balances do not carry forward from one academic year to the next.

Commuter Students

Commuter students may voluntarily purchase any meal plan.

Meal Plan Options (Mandatory Selection) Who It's For Fall Semester Spring Semester Total
Gold Meal Plan All students. This plan is recommended for first-year students and averages 2 meals per day. $2,430 $2,430 $4,860
Purple Meal Plan All students. $1,923 $1,923 $3,846
Copper Meal Plan Juniors, seniors, graduate, and commuter students only. $1,575 $1,575 $3,150
Birch Meal Plan Commuter students only. $546 $546 $1,092

Learn more about Campus Dining

Undergraduate cost of attendance is based on a 12-16 credit hour semester for a student living on campus. The breakdown includes costs paid directly to Westminster as well as estimates of other expenses you may incur that are not paid to Westminster.

  • U.S. citizen (first-year student) total cost of attendance: $58,247
  • International first-year student total cost of attendance: $58,167
Cost Type Cost or Estimated Cost
Tuition and Fees $41,416.00
Books and Supplies $1,000.00
Room and Board* $11,770.00
Transportation $1,404
Personal Expenses $2,277
Federal Direct Student Loan Fee (U.S. citizens only)** $80
Orientation Fee

First-Year Students: $300

Transfer Students: $25 

* The room and board charge amount is an average of what all students living on campus pay toward housing and meal plans.
** The Federal Direct Student Loan Fee is an average for those receiving Federal Direct Student Loans and is only applicable to U.S. citizens.

Discount Credits

Westminster provides affordable options for students to maintain academic progress toward timely graduation. The summer term study model is a sustainable way for Westminster to provide affordable academic opportunities for students who want to explore engaging topics and/or to remain on track for graduation.

Payment of full-time undergraduate tuition for one semester fall or spring earns a 50% tuition rate reduction on your summer tuition. Payment of full-time undergraduate fall and spring tuition earns you an 80% rate reduction on your summer tuition rate.

If you are not full-time or have not paid your tuition for the fall or spring semesters, the rate reduction will not apply and you will be responsible for the charges.

The summer term rate reduction is only applicable to regular undergraduate programs for students charged at the rates listed in the summer tuition chart. They do not apply to the RN-to-BS in Nursing or Bachelor of Business Administration programs, or any other undergraduate program that is billed at an already discounted rate.

Tuition Breakdown by Credit Hour

Tuition: $1,704 per credit hour

Summer term trips will have additional charges billed separately from your tuition.

Credit Hours Total Tuition Charges With No Discount Credits Total Tuition Charges With 50% Discount Earned Total Tuition Charges With 80% Discount Earned
1 $1,704 $852 $341
2 $3,408 $1,704 $682
3 $5,112 $2,556 $1,022
4 $6,816 $3,408 $1,363
5 $8,520 $4,260 $1,704
6 $10,224 $5,112 $2,045
7 $11,928 $5,964 $2,386
8 $13,632 $6,816 $2,726
9 $15,336 $7,668 $3,067
10 $17,040 $8,520 $3,408
11 $18,744 $9,372 $3,749
12 $20,448 $10,224 $4,090
13 $22,152 $11,076 $4,430
14 $23,856 $11,928 $4,771
15 $25,560 $12,780 $5,112
16 $27,264 $13,632 $5,453

MTSE and Internship Rates

Summer tuition rates exclude MTSE (May-Term Study Experience), GEOL 360: Field Geology, and internship courses. In these cases, no tuition is charged, and there is an administrative fee of $100/credit.

Available for degree-seeking students actively enrolled in a minimum of 2 credit hours and in good standing with the Dean of Students Office.

Room May Term 8 Weeks Full Semester
Single $890.33 $1,780.66 $2,671
Double $693.66 $1,387.33 $2,081