Our Programs

At IPSL Global Engagement at Westminster University, we provide opportunities for you to connect deeply with people and social change organizations all over the world.

​Earn a hands-on master's degree or complete a short-term experience abroad. 

Opportunities through IPSL include study abroad, internships, fieldwork, preceptorships, volunteering, intensive language, gap year, graduate study, and research.

 two females working on a loom

Program Participants in Guatemala

Where Can I Go?

IPSL offers in-country, online, and hybrid programs in multiple countries and regions. Degree and non-degree.

​Find out more today about an area or country of interest to you. Contact us to learn more.

 "I learned more about the world and myself in those four months than I ever thought was possible. I absorbed the culture through the language, volunteering, the food, people, and utterly breathtaking geography.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will never be able to forget." 

– Kyle S.

Not sure yet?

IPSL will help find opportunities for you to connect deeply with people and social change organizations all over the world, even if you only have time for a short trip.

Don't know your desired location? Contact us at ipsl@westminsteru.edu and we'll be happy to talk over the options. 

Recent opportunities for IPSL participants

  • Food Justice/Security 
  • International Education and Exchange 
  • Peace and Reconciliation 
  • Indigenous Rights 
  • Sustainable Community-based Development 
  • International Intergovernmental Organizations (e.g., United Nations) 
    NGO Empowering and Reintegrating Women in a Post-Conflict Society 
  • International Relief and Development Agencies (e.g., Doctors Without Borders) 
  • Urban Public Education Service Districts 
  • Sustainable Development in Coastal Zones 
  • Refugee Assistance/Education Center 
  • International Student Services/Study Abroad Offices
  •  Orphanage for Children Living with HIV/AIDS 
  • Residential Facility for the Disabled 
  • GAP Year International Service-Learning Organization 
  • LGBTQ Youth Advocacy Center 
  • Arts and Theatre Group Working with Disabled Adults 
  • Animal Welfare for Homeless Populations 
  • Residential Facility Assisting/Educating Sex Workers 
  • Women’s Reproductive Health Clinics 
  • Community-Based Clinics in Underserved Regions 
  • Centers for At-Risk Youth 
  • Nonprofit Promoting Fair Trade