Westminster University's Gender Studies program, in partnership with the University of Utah's Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine, hosts an annual Creating Community Symposium. The symposium showcases and celebrates community wisdom that is often overlooked.

The 2025 symposium takes place March 25–28 and is focused on integrative health, including mental health wellness, through the lenses of environmental sustainability, indigenous ways of knowing and being, and holistic health through engagement with animals and nature in both urban and rural settings.

Tentative 2025 Event Schedule

Tuesday, March 25

  • 10–11:50 a.m. TBD
  • 12–1:15 p.m. TBD
  • 6–8:00 p.m. Meet and Greet with The Catluminati (Christopher Watson)

Christopher Watson, who is also known as The Catluminati on Instagram, currently has 457,000-plus followers who follow his posts and videos of his “cat walks.” It all began when Watson was encouraged by his partner to get outside more during the pandemic. He would go on walks within his neighborhood and greet the neighborhood cats. Cats such as Bootsie, Cow Mary, Naptime, and Toast Malone frequently appear in his videos alongside other friendly cats who seem to appear whenever Watson goes on his daily strolls.
Since going viral, Watson uses the platform to raise animal-welfare awareness and aid charities and organizations including The Humane Society for Tacoma and Pierce County and Maui Cat Rescue. Watson currently works with Operation Olive Branch to help raise funds for displaced families in Gaza.

Wednesday, March 26

  • Evening event - TBD 

Thursday, March 27

  • 10–11:50 p.m. TBD
  • 12–1:15 p.m. TBD

Friday, March 28

  • Events at the University of Utah - TBD

2024 Sponsors

  • University of Utah School of Medicine
  • Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Westminster University
  • Westminster University Honors College
  • Westminster University Gender Studies Program
  • Meldrum Science, Westminster University
  • Westminster University Theatre Program
  • Westminster University Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Cathedral Church of St. Mark
  • Under the Umbrella Bookstore
  • Planned Parenthood Association of Utah
  • SURF: Students United for Reproductive Freedom

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