Engage, Imagine, Lead

For 150 years, Westminster University has cultivated leaders who bring people, perspectives, and communities together to imagine and create futures that sustain us all. Join President Bethami (Beth) Dobkin as she hosts a series of 4 lectures in 2025 which reflect Westminster's enduring commitments to student learning, engaging with diversity, and stretching our imagination to respond compassionately and effectively to the challenges and opportunities of our times.


President Beth Dobkin

President Beth Dobkin

President Bethami (Beth) Dobkin, PhD, Westminster University’s 19th president, invites the Westminster and Utah community to engage in the Sesquicentennial Speaker Series during 2025. Dr. Dobkin has a distinguished history in higher education as an academic leader and faculty member. In addition to her award-winning scholarship and teaching, Dr. Dobkin brings a service orientation to leadership, supporting students with a challenging and inclusive education that inspires them to create, innovate, and lead with passion and integrity. She is driven by her conviction that learning can be transformative, and that education is imperative in creating a more just, humane, and sustainable world. Learn more about Dr. Dobkin.

Presidential Sesquicentennial Speaker Series Events

Genesis Be
Kim T. Adamson Lecture ft. Genesis Be

January 29
5:00 pm

Vieve Gore Concert Hall, Jewett Center for the Performing Arts and Emma Eccles Jones Conservatory

Carolyn Finney
B.W. Bastian Foundation Diversity Lecture Series ft. Carolyn Finney

February 13
6:00 pm

Emma Eccles Jones Recital Hall, Florence J. Gillmor Hall

Chasten Buttigieg
Anne Newman Sutton Weeks Poetry Series ft. Chasten Buttigieg

April 08
5:00 pm

Emma Eccles Jones Recital Hall, Florence J. Gillmor Hall

Jane McGonigal
B.W. Bastian Foundation Diversity Lecture Series ft. Jane McGonigal

September 12
6:00 pm

Emma Eccles Jones Recital Hall, Florence J. Gillmor Hall