male on piano and female accompanying him


Westminster University brings the fun with its trademark, engaged-learning experience through SummerSong — an immersive vocal camp for talented singers. Camp participants meet and interact with exceptional faculty, guest vocal artists, and peers with a common passion for singing. The camp is open to all high school-aged students, including incoming freshmen and graduating seniors.

SummerSong Dates

June 16-22, 2024. There will be a Final Showcase concert on Friday, June 21.

SummerSong Scholarship

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of the Florence J. Gillmor Foundation, 30 high school singers and 10 pianists will enjoy a week-long immersion in the art of piano performance or singing. The scholarship includes:

  • All tuition and fees
  • Private lessons, master classes, and workshops, ensemble coaching
  • Daily lunch and snacks
  • Water bottle and camp t-shirt
  • Daily mindfulness, movement, yoga or acting workshops
  • Faculty and Student Showcase recitals
  • Two (2) university credits for rising juniors and seniors

All students stay on Westminster’s beautiful campus during the camp, with access to all the amenities such as the Health and Wellness Center, cafeteria, practice rooms with new pianos, and much more. $300 fee covers all room and board, and camp counselor supervision.

SummerSong Application

Please fill out the online application form, including an audio file or a performance video of 1-2 solo vocal or piano pieces by May 13, 2024.

Students will be notified of acceptance by May 20, 2024.

Group of student on stage during SummerSong Finale

Piano Faculty

  • Dr. Jason Hardink, Utah Symphony Principal Keyboard
  • Dr. Kimi Kawashima, SummerSong Piano Director and Westminster Piano Faculty
  • Kerri Green, Westminster Piano Faculty

Vocal Faculty

  • Dr. Christopher Puckett, SummerSong Piano Director and Westminster Vocal Faculty
  • Dr. Emily Nelson, Westminster Vocal Faculty
  • Aubrey Adams-McMillan, Westminster Vocal Faculty
  • Hilary Koolhoven, Westminster Vocal Faculty
  • Emily Williams, Westminster Vocal Coach
