
Study, serve, and live in the vibrant city of Thessaloniki, Greece.

Are you looking to explore the ancient and modern cultural and social issues of this unique part of the world? Choose spring, summer, fall, or winter term in Thessaloniki. Or let us customize a program just for you.

Work with refugees and displaced persons, social activism, youth empowerment micro-enterprise and more. Bring your passions and skills and immerse yourself in another culture.

IPSL students at an olive oil and nutrition workshop

Mediterranean Diet and Lifestyle, Refugees/Migration and Resilience, and Micro-Entrepreneurship

This program is a unique opportunity to get involved in hands-on learning in a part of the world that is at once ancient and modern, urban and rural. There are so many choices (and reasons) to experience the IPSL Greece program.

Explore Greek culture, both ancient and modern through a lens that examines the local sustainable Micro-Entrepreneurship movement, social responsibility, Europe's refugee crisis, immigration and more. Students can do field work and research as they explore micro-enterprise in action with local Greek family businesses. This program is only available in July.

"The opportunity I had to travel to Greece has only deepened my sense of curiosity about the world: a panoply of beautiful landscapes, architecture, languages, cuisines, and cultures all existing on the same planet floating in space together: get out and explore while you can! My sense as a global citizen has heightened, my sensitivity to cultural chauvinism sharpened, and my feelings of humanism enriched."  

-Jake, IPSL Alum

Experience Greece Like a Local, Not a Tourist

Academic and Experiential Courses

  • Introduction to COSA
  • COSA (Community Organizing and Social Activism) graduate degree program in Greece
  • Greek History, Culture and Modern Greek Language
  • Mediterranean Diet & Lifestyle
  • Sustainable Micro-Enterprise
  • The Rise of Social Solidarity in Greece Since the Crisis
  • Creative Thinking and Entrepreneurship

Service Opportunities

  • Refugee Work
  • English Tutoring
  • Supporting homeless and at-risk youth
  • Working with disadvantaged preschool and primary school children
  • Environmental Sustainability of our Oceans
  • Using Art and Technology for Community Development
  • Social Service NGOs
  • Societal Integration and Support of Roma
  • Educational Organization for Street Children and Street workers and other disadvantaged populations

Meet the IPSL Program Director: Victoria Georgouvela

Victoria, a Greek native, has lived in the U.S. for many years. She has been professionally involved in organization planning and development, directing business operations, consultations and marketing for several International companies in the financial and arts industries and in production companies specializing in travel documentaries that brought her to many places around the world.

Victoria has always participated in a variety of sports and inter-varsity athletic meets. She loves nature and has been involved in hiking, trekking, dessert trekking, canyoning, mountaineering, ski touring, water skiing and scuba diving around the world. The last several years Victoria has been involved exclusively in planning, organizing and guiding adventure travel experiences in Greece for groups from the U.S. and Europe. Victoria holds graduate degrees in business administration.

Greece Program Details

Our partners are open year-round and start dates vary. Inquire with IPSL about your options. We are flexible with the start date and the duration of every program. Looking for something extra special? Email to learn more about how we can customize to most any schedule and budget.

What's Included

  • Tuition and academic fees
  • Academic transcript
  • Administrative fees
  • On-site and on-line orientation and pre-departure materials
  • Welcome activities
  • Academic excursions
  • Service placement and supervision
  • Airport transfers (arrival)
  • Full health and evacuation insurance

What's NOT Included

  • Passport
  • Visa (if you want to stay longer than 90 days)
  • International airfare
  • Additional meals not included in homestay or lodging
  • Books
  • Personal spending money
  • Local personal transportation
  • Local transportation to service site
  • Local cell phone
  • Independent travel

IPSL's mission is to engage students, educators, and grassroots organizations around the world in hands-on service to promote equitable relationships, social justice, sustainable change, and a commitment to our shared humanity.
