Patrick McMillion

Assistant Professor
MS Mental Health Counseling

Phone: 801.832.2378


Office Location: Malouf Hall 122

Office Hours: T 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m., W 3:00–4:00 p.m., Th 12:00–1:00 p.m.


Ph.D. Northrn Illinois University
M.S. Northrn Illinois University
B.S. Illinois State University

Learn More About Patrick


Dr. Patrick McMillion is a core faculty member in Counseling and Counselor Education and he is the Adventure Therapy Certificate Program Coordinator. He is a Utah Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor who completed his PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision at Northern Illinois University. His dissertation was titled: A Single-Case Alternating Treatments Design Utilizing Quantitative Electroencephalography to Observe and Measure Mental State Trends During Individual Participant Non-Nature-Based Small Initiative Adventure Therapy Experiences. He has a B.S. in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy and a Master's in Counseling.

A professional in the field since 2008, his primary focus has been in community mental health in a variety of roles and with a specialization in Adventure Therapy since 2012, becoming a Certified Clinical Adventure Therapist in 2020. He has also provided services in schools and coordination with residential settings and day treatment programs. He has a strong passion for teaching, supervising, and training new counselors.


Typical courses taught:

Individual Counseling 1 and 2 (Theories and Skills)
Human Growth and Development
Child and Family Counseling
Trauma and Crisis Counseling


His primary areas of research focus are in:

Adventure Therapy
The intersection of brain-based techniques and measurements with Counseling
First Responders' Mental Health

He currently serves the field and community in the following roles:

Secretary: Certification Council of the Association for Experiential Education
Vice-Chair: Therapeutic Adventure Professional Group
Member: Salt Lake County Behavioral Health Services Advisory Council
Member: Adventure Works Board
Faculty Co-Advisor: Westminster University Counseling Society


Beyond the Counseling world, Patrick has served as a volunteer firefighter. He loves spending time with his partner and two kids, exploring nature, listening to podcasts, and learning new skills.

Areas of Expertise

Adventure Therapy and Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Patrick McMillion headshot