Human Lung Organoid Culture and Epigenetic Applications
By Morgan Withers
Salt Lake Valley is filled with lush and diverse mountain landscapes, containing 11 world-class skiing resorts and hundreds of trail systems waiting to be traversed. Sadly, air pollution is a growing concern within the valley, ranking Salt Lake City #7 for the worst air quality cities in the United States (UDAQ 2023). The most prevalent component of Salt Lake Valley air pollution is Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM 2.5) (UDAQ 2023). Due to its microscopic size and high absorption rate, PM 2.5 can easily enter the systemic circulation of the body through the alveolar tissue in the lung (Li et. al. 2018). The aspiration of PM 2.5 has been indicated through numerous studies to have an epigenetic effect through inducing the pathogenesis of lung cancer. Epigenetics is the study of how environmental exposures change the way genes work by modifying how the body reads a DNA sequence (CDC). This epigenetic pathway of PM2.5-induced lung cancer has yet to be fully elucidated (Li et al. 2018). The development of a human lung organoid, which is a 3D cell culture system consisting of multiple cell lines, could prove useful within this research to mimic how a lung within the body would physiologically respond to PM2.5 exposure.
Keywords: Air Pollution, PM 2.5 (Particulate Matter 2.5), Lung Alveoli, Alveolar type 1 cells, Alveolar type 2 cells, Epigenetics, Micro RNA, Oncogenes, Downregulation, Upregulation, DNA, Non-small cell lung cancer, Adult Stem Cells
Literature Review
Air pollution in Salt Lake Valley has been directly linked to decrease the average life span of a Utah resident by 1-5+ years (Errigo et al. 2020). It has been seen through studies conducted in the World Health Organization that increasing Particulate Matter 2.5 concentration in the atmosphere is directly associated with the increasing respiratory disease rate and the hospitalization rate (Barkauskas et. al. 2018). In a study conducted at the 2014 Beijing Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting, PM 2.5 concentration was studied and lowered using a land regression model, and the results portrayed the lung cancer proportion lowered accordingly based on a toxic equivalency factor. Another study, published in Oncotarget in 2015, 2D human bronchial epithelial cells were exposed to high levels of PM 2.5. It was found in this study that two MicroRNAs are downregulated due to exposure to PM2.5. It was found that accordingly, three oncogenes found in non-small cell lung cancer cells expressions were activated. However, the specific pathogenesis of how PM2.5 induces lung cancer remains to be fully elucidated (Li et al. 2018).
Salt Lake Valley is ranked #7 for the worst air quality cities in the United States
(UDAQ 2023). Salt Lake City air pollution consists of 8 components; 4 of which are
precursors to the formation of Particulate Matter 2.5 (PM2.5) (UDAQ). PM 2.5 is the
most common wintertime pollutant in Salt Lake City (UDAQ). PM 2.5 is an environmental
pollutant with a diameter of ≤2.5 um. PM2.5 has a large surface area and toxin absorption
ability due to the small size of these particles. Due to the small size and high absorption
rate, PM 2.5 can directly enter the alveolar tissue of the lung when inhaled and absorbed
by alveolar macrophage (Li et. al. 2018). Alveoli are microscopic structures that
are the endpoint of the respiratory system in the lung, where gas exchange between
inhaled air and the blood occurs (Seadler et al. 2023). Once these particles are absorbed,
they transition into the extracellular matrix and enter the systemic circulation.
According to the World Health Organization, respiratory disease increased by 2.07%,
and the hospitalization rate increased accordingly by 8% when PM2.5 exposure increased
in the atmosphere by 10 ug/m⁴ in wintertime pollution (Barkauskas et. al. 2018). It
is estimated that 75% of Utahns lose 1 or more years of life because of air pollution
and 23% lose 5 or more years (Errigo et al. 2020).
PM2.5 is known to cause epigenetic and microenvironmental alterations in the pathogenesis
of lung cancer (Li et al. 2018). Lung cancer has a higher mortality rate than any
other type of cancer, causing 1.8 million deaths in 2020, and it is estimated that
it will cause 238,240 deaths in 2024 (Errigo et. al. 2020). Non-small cell lung cancer
(NSCLC) accounts for 80% of lung cancer, and has a 5-year survival rate. It has been
indicated in previous studies that PM 2.5 is carcinogenic and increases the morbidity
and mortality rates associated with lung cancer (Li et al. 2018). In a study conducted
in Beijing during the 2014 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting, the mean PM2.5
outdoor concentrations were obtained, and then reduced using a Land Regression Model,
from the concentrations 37.5 μg/m³ to 24.0 μg/m³, which resulted in a lung cancer
proportional reduction from 0.75% to 0.45%. This reduction in disease or death is
modeling what would occur if exposure to the risk factor was reduced to a theoretical
minimum and is based on a toxic equivalency factor (Xie et al. 2017).
Within the field of cell culture research, the aim is to culture a cell system to
model complex physiological changes that occur in the body (in vivo) within the cells
that are cultured. The response of the cells can be measured in the case that they
are dosed with a control group exposure. Basic 2D cell culture is a type of cell culture
consisting of only a single cell line and is grown and adhered on a flat surface.
2D cell culture is a simplified model that does not represent in vivo organs accurately,
because an organ in vivo consists of multiple cell lines partaking in complex interactions
with one another and are 3D structures. Organoids are self-organizing 3D model organ
systems cultured from multiple cell lines (Kim et al.). A human lung organoid can
be utilized to model how a lung functions in vivo, through creating an air-liquid
interface culture where half of the lung organoid will be exposed to media and half
will be exposed to air in an air sack structure. This human lung organoid can be dosed
with PM 2.5 particles to observe how a lung in vivo would react to this exposure,
specifically what is occurring epigenetically.
Epigenetics is the study of how environmental exposures, such as the inhalation of
PM 2.5, change the way genes work through modifying how the body reads a DNA sequence
(CDC). This research is important because the specific pathogenesis of how PM2.5 induces
lung cancer remains to be elucidated (Li et al. 2018).
MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that are primarily responsible for post-transcriptional
regulation, as 50% of protein coding genes and cell metabolic processes are regulated
by MicroRNAs (Papoutsidakis et al. 2013). MiRNAs can be upregulated or downregulated,
meaning increased or decreased, as a response to exposure to various toxins (Papoutsidakis
et al. 2013). The downregulation of miRNA is implied to affect the epigenome through
elevating the expression of the genes that they control, such as oncogenes (Liu et
2015). Oncogenes are genes that regulate the induction of cancer, and can induce carcinogenisis
when activated. In a 2015 study published in Oncotarget, which was the first study
conducted examining the effects of PM2.5 exposure on MiRNA expression and the associated
risk with lung cancer, 2D human bronchial epithelial cells were exposed to high levels
of PM 2.5 (Lie et al. 2015). It was found in this study that two MicroRNAs, MiR-182
and MiR-185, are downregulated (decrease in production) due to exposure to PM2.5.
These two MiRNAs control and suppress three targeted oncogenes (solute carrier family
30 member 1 (SLC30A1), serpin family B member 2 (SERPINB2) and aldo-keto reductase
family 1 member C1 (AKR1C1)). Due to the downregulation of these two miRNAs, these
three oncogenes are activated. These three oncogenes are commonly expressed in human
lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma cells, thus when activated they can
lead to non-small cell lung carcinogenesis as demonstrated in Figure 1 (Li et. al.
2018). To successfully quantify miRNA expression in the lung while under exposure
to PM2.5, a 3D human lung organoid can be utilized by adding dilutions of PM 2.5 collected
from the atmosphere into the organoid media to mimic an environmental change of added
pollution exposure. MiRNA expression in response to this exposure is quantified within
the media of the human lung organoid, as to not disturb the tissue (Haikerwal et.
al. 2015). The use of a 3D human lung organoid will model a more physiologically accurate
response to PM 2.5 exposure than these 2D human bronchial epithelial cells did used
in the Lie et al. study.
Figure 1: Pathogenesis of PM 2.5 induced Carcinogenesis
A human lung organoid can be developed from isolating adult stem cells from a human
lung tissue sample. Adult stem cells have the capability of differentiating into multiple
tissue specific cell types when placed in the organ-specific niche environment. These
adult stem cells can form organ-like cell clusters in which the cells self-organize,
physiologically modeling an organ in vivo. Adult stem cell derived organoids maintain
the long term functional and structural properties of the organ they were taken from,
making them valuable for long term research.
There are two types of epithelia that line the inside of the human respiratory tract;
the alveolar and the airway epithelium (Chiu et al. 2023). From an adult stem cell
derived lung organoid, an airway organoid and an alveolar organoid can be developed
through two different types of differentiation techniques. Alveolar organoids, which
consist of alveolar type 1 (AV1) and alveolar type 2 (AV2) cells, can be generated
through a method known as distal differentiation (Chiu et al. 2023). Alveolar organoids
could prove to be useful to investigate the pathogenesis of PM2.5 induced lung cancer,
seeing as PM2.5 is absorbed into the body’s systemic circulation through alveolar
Salt Lake City residents partake daily in the repeated inhalation of PM2.5, and this long term exposure proves to have severe epigenetic effects on the body. Throughout various research studies, it is seen that PM 2.5 is associated with the pathogenesis of lung cancer, specifically non-small cell lung cancer through the downregulation of MicroRNA’s that are in charge of silencing carcinogenesis inducing oncogenes. Still, the specific pathway for which PM2.5 induces lung cancer remains to be specifically elucidated. A human lung organoid, being a 3D air sack that physiologically models a human lung, can be utilized to pinpoint this epigenetic pathway. Locating the pathogenesis of PM 2.5-induced lung cancer will be useful within medicinal research, so that new treatments can be developed to reduce and stop this epigenetic pathway from occurring.
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Morgan graduated from Westminster University in Spring of 2024, with a Bachelor of Science in Biology, Honors College. She plans to attend Medical School (DO) in the fall of 2025, where she is interested in making advances within holistic medicine and improving the level of empathetic care patients receive. She plans to take a focus in serving the niche medically underserved population of the Deaf Community.