We believe in excellent teaching, the value of interdisciplinary learning, and the importance of diversity and inclusion in computer science.

Computer Science Diversity Initiatives


Current Students

Degree Planning and Class Schedules

The computer science program is tightly structured to ensure each student has mastered the skills they need to continue on to the next course. Because of this, we strongly recommend working with a computer science faculty member to plan your major or minor. If you don’t have a faculty advisor, please contact Greg Gagne (801.832.2361 or ggagne@westminsteru.edu) or Helen Hu (801.832.2362 or hhu@westminsteru.edu).

Learn More About Degree Planning


Visit the Math, Physics, and Computer Science Tutoring Center on the main floor of the library for help with homework or test-prep.

Math, Physics, and Computer Science Tutoring Center


Computer science majors who are in their junior or senior years are strongly encouraged to participate in the internship program. By participating in an internship, you gain valuable professional experience while earning elective credit toward your degree.

Past students have completed internships in industries including programming, software testing, and web design. Your faculty advisor and the Career Center can help you find an internship that aligns with your personal and professional interests.

Meet the Faculty

Greg Gagne, MS

Greg Gagne, MS

Associate Professor

Helen Hu, Ph.D

Helen Hu, Ph.D


Kathryn Lenth

Kathryn Lenth

Associate Professor

Jingsai Liang

Jingsai Liang

Associate Professor