Kathryn Lenth


Associate Professor
Computer Science

Phone: 801.832.2317

Email: klenth@westminsteru.edu

Office Location: Foster Hall 113

Office Hours: MW 10:00–11:00 a.m., TTh 9:00–10:00 a.m., W 2:00–3:00 p.m.


Ph.D. University of Wyoming
M.S. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
B.S. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Learn More About Kathryn


Kathryn (Kathy) Lenth was born in Iowa, moved to New Mexico to earn a few degrees at New Mexico Tech, and completed her PhD in Mathematics (analysis) at the University of Wyoming. While a doctoral student she met her soon-to-be wife, Kristen Lenth, and by combining powers they created their son Wesley. In the spring of 2016 Kathryn began her transition to female; that process is now largely complete but she welcomes questions about her personal experience or gender issues in general.


Kathryn is an unabashed nerd, being a lifelong programmer and voracious reader. Other interests include cooking (particularly New Mexican cuisine), sewing, opera, and video games - when she has time! She prefers Linux and becomes more than slightly bitter when forced to use Windows.

Kathryn Lenth, Ph.D