
Undergraduate Major, Undergraduate Minor

Westminster College of Arts and Sciences

4-Year Degree

Five students outside among red rocks, looking and taking photos

The History Program at Westminster University

Westminster University is committed to helping you learn to make sense of the past as you study the best published history and make your own. You will learn to ask significant questions, find and critically analyze sources through a variety of lenses, craft valid interpretations of people’s lives and past events, and communicate your findings to a variety of audiences through different formats.

Westminster’s program is all about learning how to make your own histories. Starting immediately in your introductory courses, you’ll be finding primary sources and figuring out what they tell us about the past. You’ll also have the chance to work with local archives, libraries, historical sites, and museums to learn how we make histories and share them with others.

History faculty provide tips for helpful student resources and suggestions for extracurricular opportunities you may want to explore. And, you can get insight on the perspectives of Westminster history alumni as well as information on thesis' students have written in the past.

Who the History Program Is For

Students in the History program share a passionate curiosity to learn about the past and want to explore history through a variety of sources, perspectives, and lenses.

What You'll Learn in the History Program 

  • Become proficient in traditional, digital, and community-based methods of primary historical research
    Construct valid historical arguments based on original research in primary sources
  • Develop the ability to communicate historical knowledge creatively and effectively via written, oral, digital, and other means
  • Develop skills of critical analysis of evidence, arguments, and conflicting historical interpretations
  • Begin to build a broad and deep content knowledge of global human history

What Are the Key Benefits of the History Program?

  • Small class sizes that allow you to work closely with peers and program faculty
  • Experienced faculty members who offer expertise through innovative courses and diverse teaching styles
  • Opportunities for original research with the ability to present findings through events such as the Westminster Student Showcase, the regional and national Phi Alpha Theta history honor society conferences, and professional events like the Western History Association conference
  • Unique learning opportunities locally, across the West, and abroad through Fielding History, the Westminster Expedition, and  May Term Study Experiences
  • 2 semesters of thesis development in your senior year, working closely with your advisor on an original topic of your choice

sample history courses

  • HIST-102: Alien Encounters in History
  • HIST-120: The Story of America
  • HIST-124: Film and Memory
  • HIST-214: Vietnam and America


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Our Faculty

Jeff Nichols, PhD


liberal education courses

You must complete the WCore program or join the Honors College (and complete requirements) to fulfill your liberal education credits.


history student success

History program graduates have begun careers with companies and organizations such as:
The Bountiful City Council, Utah Division of State History, Military intelligence, the University of Utah, and the American Civil Liberties Union.

History program graduates have chosen to further their studies at schools such as:
University of Colorado, Oregon State University, Indiana University, and the University of Minnesota. 

"The two most important things that Westminster offers its history students are small classes where you can really seek out help and learn how to write. The second is the introduction to seminar-style courses, with heavy reading loads and a focus on discussion. I would highly recommend studying history to anyone looking at majoring in the humanities. History not only teaches you how to read and write well, it emphasizes critical thinking about the world around you."

Read The Story

Mikee Ferran
(`14), University of Utah M.A. Candidate in Comparative Gender and Sexuality


History Career Opportunities

When you graduate from Westminster, you will be prepared for careers in fields and areas such as: Business,
Education, Government service, Archival work, Libraries, and Museums. 

You may also choose to pursue graduate studies in history, law, the ministry, and more. The research, analytical, and communication skills you gain at Westminster are widely applicable to a wide variety of careers, such as:



potential history careers

  • Anthropologist
  • Geographer
  • Historian
  • Humanities teacher
  • Journalist
  • Lawyer
  • Librarian 
  • Museum conservator
  • Research analyst
  • Secondary school teacher

History Program Plan of Study

You’ll start with classes that introduce you to the skills and methods of history while beginning to build your content knowledge. As you proceed through the program, you will wrestle with more challenging evidence in courses that investigate specific eras and locations.

In your senior year, you will have the opportunity to choose a subject for a 2-semester thesis project, with the ability to present your completed work at conferences, including the Westminster Student Showcase. This in-depth research experience gives you invaluable training for graduate programs and other advanced fields of study, should you choose to pursue them.

Past students have also had the opportunity to expand on their classroom education by simultaneously gaining professional experience working as an intern for organizations like the Utah State Historical Society.

related programs

If you are majoring in the History program but are interested in pursuing a career in education, you may consider exploring the School of Education's undergraduate programs to add a teaching major or minor to your undergraduate studies, or an education master’s degree program.

The History program also offers a minor. You may also consider these programs: 

Tuition and Aid

There's No Better Investment Than You

Westminster University knows you want an education where you matter—a place that will serve as a launchpad for a successful career and a meaningful life. Westminster will work with you individually through every step of the financial aid process. From scholarships to grants and loans, Westminster helps you make it happen.

With the highest percentage of students who complete one or more internships in the state, Westminster students hit the ground running with real-world experience. Plus, 90% of students were either employed or attending graduate school within 5 months of graduating. With a Westminster degree, you don't have to choose between a successful career and a fulfilling life.

Learn About Tuition

You’ll be automatically considered for scholarship and grant opportunities.

In addition to general merit scholarships, other scholarship programs are available to support you throughout your time at Westminster.

Check Out Scholarships

Your tuition, fully paid

All students should have the ability to explore their passions. Westminster University is proud to cover the cost of tuition for qualifying students through the Westminster Commitment.

Learn About the Westminster Commitment