Requesting Accommodations

Request Process

Academic and non-academic (housing, dining, etc.) accommodation requests are processed every semester. When possible, submit your accommodation request prior to or early in the semester to allow enough time to implement your accommodation. Accommodation requests may be submitted mid-semester for temporary or unexpected needs. Follow the steps below for any accommodation request, including an adaptive testing accommodation through the Testing Center.

  1. Review the documentation guidelines. You will provide current information about your disability, the nature and impact of the disability, prior use of accommodations (if any), and the accommodations you are requesting during your time at Westminster University. Submitting relevant professional documentation is important to confirm eligibility and support your requests for accommodations, academic modifications, or other aids. Transfer students should also contact their current institution’s disability services office for a copy of their letter of accommodation or to transfer their documentation to Westminster.
  2. Submit your registration application and documentation in the AIM Database Management System. If you are unable to upload documentation to AIM, submit your documentation to

  3. Student Disability Services will review your documentation and application for accommodations and follow up with you to discuss your eligibility status and if any additional documentation is needed.
  4. Student Disability Services will prepare a letter outlining your approved accommodations. Sign your letter of accommodation in AIM. Accommodations are effective beginning on the date you sign your letter and are not retroactive. Student Disability Services will provide the signed letter to your instructors for the current semester.

Notify Student Disability Services if your needs change during or between semesters.

Contact Student Disability Services with any questions you have about the request process.


The information you provide to Student Disability Services in your request for accommodations is considered private and sensitive, and will be handled accordingly. Student Disability Services is responsible for receiving and maintaining disability-related information about students to guard against the unintentional disclosure of sensitive information.

Accommodation information becomes part of your FERPA record; disability-related information will be shared with other institutional personnel only when there is a legitimate educational interest. It is generally inappropriate for copies of a student’s documentation of disability to be requested or held elsewhere in the university.

Pregnancy Accommodations

Pregnancy in and of itself is not a qualifying condition that would receive accommodations from Disability Services. Students seeking pregnancy-related accommodations should contact the Dean of Students, Kellie Gerbers at

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology consists of tools, devices, and software designed to improve learning, working, and daily life experiences. Examples range from something as simple as a digital planner or stress management app, to speech-to-text software, closed captioning, or braille display. Assistive Technology is frequently used by people with disabilities, but can be beneficial to anyone.

Your Mac or PC has built-in accessibility features as well. Take a look and see what could improve your learning experience.

  • For Mac users: Apple menu > System Settings > Accessibility (scroll down in the sidebar)
  • For PC users: Windows icon (Start Menu) > Settings > Ease of Access

Student Disability Services also has software licenses available to students and can recommend other assistive technology options and resources based on your individual needs.

Animals on Campus

Westminster University offers guidance and processes for students requesting to bring a service animal or emotional support animal to campus.

Learn more about animals on campus

Grievance Policy and Procedure

It is Westminster University’s policy to ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any university program or activity, in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

In response to a request made by a qualified student with an appropriately documented disability, the university will arrange for the provision of reasonable academic adjustments (e.g., extended time on exams, course substitution) and auxiliary aids and services (e.g., alternate formats of printed materials, sign language interpreter) determined by the university to be necessary to afford the student the opportunity to participate fully in university programs. It is the responsibility of Student Disability Services to uphold the rights of a student to secure access and accommodations in accordance with Section 504 and the ADA.

Information regarding informal and formal appeal processes for students, faculty, and staff are included in the university's Grievance Policy and Procedures.