Westminster University’s Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business is dedicated to providing academic programs that integrate business with liberal arts and provide a student-oriented learning environment and innovative education.

The School of Business prepares students for life-long learning and changing social, technological, and economic conditions. Graduates will leave Westminster well versed in written and verbal communication, technology, international dimensions, critical thinking, ethics, social responsibility, and team effectiveness. All programs will give you a solid foundation of business knowledge and an understanding of the complexity of organizations within a global environment.


The Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business prepares people to think critically, act responsibly, and make a difference.


The Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business will be recognized as a business school that educates, supports, and provides mentorship to people who are making a difference in their communities and changing the world.


  • Student success
  • Excellence in teaching
  • Mentorship and personal relationships
  • Community impact

Welcome to the Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business (BVGSB) at Westminster University.

As the new dean, I’m thrilled and humbled to be leading our faculty, staff, and students during this critical time for our communities. We’ve just started implementing a new strategic plan with a renewed emphasis on our core values of student success, excellence in teaching, mentorship and personal relationships, and community impact and we can’t wait to find ways to make a difference.

In practice, those core values mean small classes, hands-on learning, engaged and caring instructors, and mentoring for each and every one of our students, all in a small, liberal arts college environment with the support of amazing faculty and staff and with the guidance of an accomplished and engaged business advisory board. We offer face-to-face, part-time, evening, online, and competency-based education. Our students do projects for, and end up working at, organizations ranging from Goldman Sachs to brand-new non-profits that they start right here in Sugar House.

We have so much to offer and hope you’ll join us whether that means enrolling as a student, hiring an intern, partnering on a project for our community, or providing scholarships. Stay tuned for more exciting things coming from BVGSB and please don’t hesitate to reach out.

The world is changing—help us lead the way.

Dax Jacobson, PhD
Dean, Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business
Gore Main Office

Dean Dax Jacobson

Derrick, Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business Alumnus

"If I was given the opportunity to relive my college decision moment, I would choose to attend Westminster again. At first, quite honestly, I was skeptical of attending a small liberal arts college in Utah. However, only one semester in, I knew Westminster was the right place for me. The Gore School of Business is a well-connected, hidden gem of a business school—not to mention all the interesting professors and wonderful administrators I connected with."

Derrick, Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business Alumnus

Derrick graduated summa cum laude with a double major in finance and economics, as well as an Honors certificate. In summer 2014, Derrick interned with Goldman Sachs' Salt Lake City office. This summer, he will be interning with D.A. Davidson & Co.'s IIG Research in Seattle. After this 11-week internship, he will be starting his master's in finance at ESADE Business School in Barcelona, Spain.


The Bill and Vieve Gore School of Business is nationally accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

WCore Liberal Education Program

The unique, liberal arts WCore courses that every Westminster student takes as a part of their studies are extremely valuable to business students. WCore classes focus on synthesis, communication, and research, helping you develop the skills crucial for relating to the people and world around you.

Undergraduate Academic Programs

Westminster undergraduate business programs prepare you to begin your career.

Graduate Academic Programs

Westminster's graduate business programs will expand your professional opportunities in your career.

Certificate Programs

Dr. Nancy Panos Schmitt

"As a teacher, I am aware of the responsibility I have to students, and I take that responsibility very seriously. My role makes it vital for me to engage students in exploration and learning by involving students both within and outside the classroom.

I strive to engage my students intellectually to allow them to first examine, then question, and ultimately apply the ideas and theories presented. This intellectual curiosity and vitality is important for students while they are at Westminster, as well as after they leave.

The future success of my students has always been a strong driver in my academic career. I make demands of myself to be enthusiastic, prepared, current, curious, creative and intellectually honest. I bring these characteristics to class with me every day. I love teaching marketing."

Nancy Panos Schmitt, Associate Professor, Marketing

Professor Nancy Panos Schmitt teaches a variety of marketing courses, including Marketing Principles, Advertising, Selling, and Branding. Nancy’s interests and expertise focuses on marketing strategy, consumer product branding, advertising, and selling strategies.

Her love of teaching and mentoring has been acknowledged over the years. She has been awarded The Gore Excellence in Teaching Award, The Bill & Vieve Gore School of Business Faculty Advisor of the Year, and the Most Influential Professor in the BVGSB.

Nancy is a member of the American Marketing Association and the Marketing Educator’s Association. She has presented papers dealing with teaching methodology at conferences throughout her career. Academically, Nancy earned a bachelor’s degree in biology and philosophy, a master’s degree in genetics, and spent one year in a doctoral program in genetics before obtaining an MBA from the University of Utah.

Nancy is a lifelong Green Bay Packer fan, having made the pilgrimage to Lambeau to see her beloved Packers. She is a keen observer of pop culture, and her office is a testament to consumer product branding.

Student Resources and Activities

Multiple students working on computers in a room with stock information displayed on TV screens

Center for Financial Wellness

The Center for Financial Wellness works to improve the community’s financial well-being through a variety of programs.

two students looking at laptops

Gore Giovale Center for Innovative Leadership

The Gore Giovale Center for Innovative Leadership connects students with community and organizational leaders to offer hands-on learning opportunities and foster meaningful conversations about leadership.

students talking in the library

Gore School of Business Tutoring Center

The Business Tutoring Center offers free drop-in tutoring to all undergraduate students taking business courses.

Gore School Ambassador Program

Bring your experience, build the community, become a Gore School Ambassador. The ambassador program gives graduate students and alumni an opportunity to engage with and represent the business school.

Bring Experience

Represent the business school in the community and share your experience. Events are in-person and online, including:

  • Sitting on a panel of current students and alumni; sharing experiences in the MBA and Master of Accountancy programs with prospective students and their employers
  • Providing tips on how to be a successful student with incoming classes during orientation
  • Helping make graduation celebrations memorable

Build Community

Foster relationships with other students while you serve as a peer mentor. You will:

  • Work with diverse populations of students
  • Provide new students with guidance on how to access people, resources, internship and career opportunities, and how to navigate challenging situations while in graduate school as a knowledgeable peer
  • Positive Attitude: Act friendly and approachable
  • Acceptance of Others: Commitment to diversity and working toward creating an inclusive environment
  • Professionalism: Represent the school, maintaining professional composure in engagement with the community
  • Communication Skills: Comfortable when speaking to groups and in one-on-one communication
  • Leadership: Have integrity, self-discipline, and the ability to empower others, as well as a commitment to developing leadership skills

The Gore School Ambassador is a volunteer position.

Current students must have:

  • Earned 20 credit hours
  • A cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • Good standing with the college
  • Good standing with the community 

Alumni must have:

  • Graduated within the last 3 years
  • A cumulative 3.0 GPA
  • Good standing with the college
  • Good standing with the community

Ambassador Application and Ambassador Scholarship

Gore School Ambassadors are eligible for a scholarship from the dean’s office. To inquire about becoming an ambassador or the scholarship opportunity, email Dax Jacobson, Dean, at djacobson@westminsteru.edu.

Community Programs and Professional Services

overhead shot of students working at a table in the Gore School of Business atrium

University Valuation Group

The University Valuation Group is a student-led valuation consultancy that provides businesses with a valuation from students in a variety of majors who put their unique financial skills and expertise to work.

students smiling in class

Westminster Tax Clinic

The Westminster Tax Clinic offers free tax preparation and financial advocacy services to low-to-moderate income families. Students from the Accounting program gain practical experience while serving the community.

Multiple students sitting in a classroom, looking out of frame

Center for Financial Wellness

The Center for Financial Wellness works to improve the community’s financial well-being through a variety of programs.